所以我创建了一个每周重启脚本。我阅读了一个 AD 组,然后在周末重新启动了一堆计算机。然后,我通过电子邮件发送带有日志的 HTML 结果。我通过在列表中添加几台停机计算机来测试这一点。它只返回最后一台无法ping 通的计算机。有人能告诉我为什么吗?我需要第二双眼睛。我以前做过这种类型的哈希表,它工作得很好。

$RBList = (Get-QADGroupMember prv_RebootSchedule | Sort Name | Select -expand Name)
foreach($PC in $RBList){
$datetime = Get-Date            
ping -n 2 $PC >$null
if($lastexitcode -eq 0){
shutdown /r /f /m \\$PC /d p:1:1 /t 600 /c "Weekly Reboot - Maintnence scheduled!"
write-host "$pc is rebooting"
$result = "Success"
} else {
Write-host "$pc has error adding to table"
$Result = "Error - Check"
$table = [ordered]@{
Workstation = $pc
Result = $result
Time = $datetime
$html =  [PSCustomObject]$table | convertto-html -CssUri "C:\scripts\automatedreboot\table.css"         
send-mailmessage -to "email@email.com" -from "Automated Reboot<no-reply@email.com>" -subject "Automated Reboot Error Log" -BodyAsHtml "$html" -smtpserver smtp.email.com

2 回答 2



$RBList = (Get-QADGroupMember prv_RebootSchedule | Sort Name | Select -expand Name)
$table = @()

foreach($PC in $RBList)
    $obj = "" | select Workstation, Result, Time
    $datetime = Get-Date            
    ping -n 2 $PC >$null
    if($lastexitcode -eq 0)
        #shutdown /r /f /m \\$PC /d p:1:1 /t 600 /c "Weekly Reboot - Maintnence scheduled!"
        write-host "$pc is rebooting"
        $result = "Success"
        Write-host "$pc has error adding to table"
        $Result = "Error - Check"

$obj.Workstation = $pc
$obj.Result = $result
$obj.Time = $datetime

$table += $obj    

$html = $table | convertto-html -Property name, value -as table
于 2013-10-21T13:35:08.163 回答

相同的想法(与 CB 一样),但实现方式略有不同:

$RBList = (Get-QADGroupMember prv_RebootSchedule | Sort Name | Select -expand Name)

$EmailParams = @{
 to         = 'email@email.com' 
 from       = 'Automated Reboot<no-reply@email.com>' 
 subject    = 'Automated Reboot Error Log' 
 BodyAsHtml =  $true
 smtpserver = 'smtp.email.com'

$table = 
   foreach($PC in $RBList){
     $datetime = Get-Date            
     ping -n 2 $PC >$null

     if($lastexitcode -eq 0){
       shutdown /r /f /m \\$PC /d p:1:1 /t 600 /c "Weekly Reboot - Maintnence scheduled!"
       write-host "$pc is rebooting"
       $result = "Success"

       } else {
         Write-host "$pc has error adding to table"
         $Result = "Error - Check"

                      Workstation = $pc
                      Result      = $result
                      Time        = $datetime

$html = $table | convertto-html -CssUri "C:\scripts\automatedreboot\table.css"

Send-MailMessage @EmailParams -Body $html
于 2013-10-21T13:45:52.947 回答