我正在尝试在 python 中使用 arima 模型。我尝试使用下面的 statsmodel 和 pandas 的代码。但我在下面收到“ValueError: Given a pandas object and the index does not contain dates”错误。我发现另一篇文章提到了同样的错误,他们使用 as_matrix 将数据帧更改为矩阵,我尝试过,但它没有解决我的问题。我刚收到一个新的 numpy 数组错误。任何提示将不胜感激。我在 r 中有更多的经验,但是 r 在处理时间序列时也有很多令人头疼的问题。



<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 4347 entries, 0 to 4346
Data columns (total 2 columns):
lastSaleDate      4347 non-null datetime64[ns]
lastSaleAmount    4347 non-null float64
dtypes: datetime64[ns](1), float64(1)
memory usage: 68.0 KB

Sample Data:
   lastSaleDate  lastSaleAmount
1    1997-08-13   102900.000000
2    1997-08-14    84833.333333
3    1997-08-15    26171.000000
4    1997-08-19   167000.000000
5    1997-08-20   107500.000000
6    1997-08-21   175000.000000
7    1997-08-25    56000.000000
8    1997-08-26    74300.000000
9    1997-08-28   118500.000000
10   1997-08-29   305333.333333
11   1997-09-02    50000.000000
12   1997-09-03   116950.000000
13   1997-09-04    58000.000000
14   1997-09-08    72250.000000
15   1997-09-10    60000.000000
16   1997-09-12    75000.000000
17   1997-09-15    57700.000000
18   1997-09-18    21000.000000
19   1997-09-19    47500.000000
20   1997-09-22    49900.000000
21   1997-09-23    81750.000000
22   1997-09-25    57000.000000
23   1997-09-26    69000.000000
24   1997-09-29   396000.000000
25   1997-09-30   213500.000000
26   1997-10-01   152500.000000
27   1997-10-02    99666.666667
28   1997-10-03    83000.000000
29   1997-10-06    84500.000000
30   1997-10-07   157000.000000
31   1997-10-15   272000.000000
32   1997-10-16    45900.000000
33   1997-10-17    68500.000000
34   1997-10-20   108000.000000
35   1997-10-21    66800.000000
36   1997-10-22   115633.333333
37   1997-10-24    62015.000000
38   1997-10-27   113000.000000
39   1997-10-28    41000.000000
40   1997-10-31   114950.000000
41   1997-11-03    71000.000000
42   1997-11-07    20500.000000
43   1997-11-13    68500.000000
44   1997-11-17    65000.000000
45   1997-11-18    94900.000000
46   1997-11-19    89900.000000
47   1997-11-21   213833.333333
48   1997-11-24    63300.000000
49   1997-11-25   227825.000000



mod = sm.tsa.ARIMA(endog=y['lastSaleAmount'],exog=lag,order=[1,1,0])

results = mod.fit()



ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-61-0120f3323d31> in <module>()
     11 #y=y.as_matrix()
---> 13 mod = sm.tsa.ARIMA(endog=y['lastSaleAmount'],exog=lag,order=[1,1,0])
     15 results = mod.fit()

/Users/username/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/statsmodels/tsa/arima_model.pyc in __new__(cls, endog, order, exog, dates, freq, missing)
    963         else:
    964             mod = super(ARIMA, cls).__new__(cls)
--> 965             mod.__init__(endog, order, exog, dates, freq, missing)
    966             return mod

/Users/username/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/statsmodels/tsa/arima_model.pyc in __init__(self, endog, order, exog, dates, freq, missing)
    973             # in the predict method
    974             raise ValueError("d > 2 is not supported")
--> 975         super(ARIMA, self).__init__(endog, (p, q), exog, dates, freq, missing)
    976         self.k_diff = d
    977         self._first_unintegrate = unintegrate_levels(self.endog[:d], d)

/Users/username/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/statsmodels/tsa/arima_model.pyc in __init__(self, endog, order, exog, dates, freq, missing)
    443     def __init__(self, endog, order, exog=None, dates=None, freq=None,
    444                  missing='none'):
--> 445         super(ARMA, self).__init__(endog, exog, dates, freq, missing=missing)
    446         exog = self.data.exog  # get it after it's gone through processing
    447         _check_estimable(len(self.endog), sum(order))

/Users/username/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/statsmodels/tsa/base/tsa_model.pyc in __init__(self, endog, exog, dates, freq, missing)
     40     def __init__(self, endog, exog=None, dates=None, freq=None, missing='none'):
     41         super(TimeSeriesModel, self).__init__(endog, exog, missing=missing)
---> 42         self._init_dates(dates, freq)
     44     def _init_dates(self, dates, freq):

/Users/username/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/statsmodels/tsa/base/tsa_model.pyc in _init_dates(self, dates, freq)
     49             if (not datetools._is_datetime_index(dates) and
     50                     isinstance(self.data, data.PandasData)):
---> 51                 raise ValueError("Given a pandas object and the index does "
     52                                  "not contain dates")
     53             if not freq:

ValueError: Given a pandas object and the index does not contain dates

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