在通过 PlayEnhMetafile 在另一个元文件本身上绘制的元文件上绘制图像时,我会在很远的下方或右侧丢失图像。我想这与屏幕坐标有关(我运行双屏 1280*1024,所以 2560*1024),因为图像开始消失的底部通道约为 500。
这是我为更具体地向您展示问题而创建的一些示例代码。(您可以使用此代码替换新创建的 Windows C# 项目的 Form1.cs 并在其上放置一个按钮)
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace MetaFileDrawing
public partial class Form1
: Form
[DllImport("gdi32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
private static extern bool PlayEnhMetaFile(IntPtr hdc, IntPtr hEmf, ref Rectangle rectangle);
[DllImport("gdi32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
public static extern bool DeleteObject(IntPtr hGdiObj);
public Form1()
/// <summary>
/// Creates the sub-metafile where the actual drawing is done (and the problems occur).
/// </summary>
private Metafile GetSubMetafile()
Metafile metafile = null;
using(Graphics controlGraphics = this.CreateGraphics())
using(MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
metafile = new Metafile(memoryStream, controlGraphics.GetHdc(), EmfType.EmfOnly, string.Empty);
using(Graphics metafileGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(metafile))
Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap("Fibonacci.png");
// Draw the image 3 times... if pushed to far down, it wont show up?
metafileGraphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Yellow, new Rectangle(0, 0, 40, 1200));
metafileGraphics.DrawImage(bitmap, new Point(0, 0));
metafileGraphics.DrawImage(bitmap, new Point(10, 950));
metafileGraphics.DrawImage(bitmap, new Point(20, 1150));
return metafile;
/// <summary>
/// Creates and draws the metafile.
/// </summary>
private void DrawMetafile()
using(Graphics controlGraphics = this.CreateGraphics())
using(MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
// EmfType.EmfOnly is a restriction defined by my project limitations
Metafile metafile = new Metafile(memoryStream, controlGraphics.GetHdc(), EmfType.EmfOnly, string.Empty);
using(Graphics metafileGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(metafile))
// A large red rect for orientation
metafileGraphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Red, new Rectangle(0, 0, 4000, 4000));
// Create the sub metafile
Metafile subMetafile = GetSubMetafile();
// To check, draw the subMetafile with DrawImage (works fine, the inlined image is drawn 3 times)
metafileGraphics.DrawImage(subMetafile, new Point(10, 0));
// On the right side, draw the sub metafile using PlayEnhMetaFile (dont work correctly, only 2 images)
IntPtr hMetafile = subMetafile.GetHenhmetafile();
Rectangle rectangle1 = new Rectangle(100, 0, 170, 1230);
PlayEnhMetaFile(metafileGraphics.GetHdc(), hMetafile, ref rectangle1);
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
如您所见,使用 PlayEnhMetaFile 函数会导致我丢失三个图像之一。有任何想法吗?