有人知道我如何使用 FASM 编译器做到这一点吗?
You could use a Linear-Congruential Algorithm. Its the most common psuedo-random number algorithm.
Basically, you have a seed value. And then once you start generating random numbers each number becomes the seed for the new request.
The numbers are generated by
x = (a * s + b) MOD m
Where m, a and b are picked for the algorithm. There are some popular sets of these values used. Its a lot easier if you make m a power of 2, especially 2^32 for 32 bit machines. Then the mod step is done automatically by the machine.
Check out the wikipedia, they have popular sets of a, b and M and a lot more information.
There are more complicated things can be done with seeds as well (setting the seed based on the current time, for instance)
我是 R250 的忠实粉丝,它的执行速度比 LCG 快得多。 http://www.ddj.com/184408549?pgno=7
Take a look at this Wikipedia page, pick an algorithm, and implement it.
Edit: Or you could take the easy route. Use your OS's C runtime and call their rand functions.
但请不要将这些“随机数”用于任何安全应用程序(加密、密钥生成等)。对于安全应用程序,您需要一个非常好的密码安全随机数生成器。写其中一个真的很难。(Netscape弄错了,因此 Netscape Navigator 的早期版本有一个易于破解的 HTTPS 实现;Debian 最近弄错了,导致大量易于破解的 SSH 和 HTTPS/SSL 密钥)。