After linking the script directory to "ckeditor5", I have text-area as follow :
<textarea rows="10" name="sample_identity" id="sample_identity" Placeholder="Sample Identification" data-parsley-required="true"></textarea>
And, this creates the ckeditor replacing the textarea.
<script>ClassicEditor.create( document.querySelector( '#sample_identity' ) )</script>
Now, how do I make this "sample_identity" instance of ckeditor required on form submit.
I tried using the class for the ckeditor instance which is-
.ck-focused for onfocus and .ck-blurred on outfocus.
But, I have 3-4 textareas on the same form which has ckeditor replacing them. So, this'll not work.
I know ckeditor5 is a betaversion an hasn't been used yet, but, any help on this would be appreciated.
Thank you.