当 a 的文本UILabel被截断时,默认插入 3 个点。是否可以更改这些字符或禁用它们?


6 回答 6


我已经编写了一个自定义截断类,您可以随时将其弹出到您的代码中。只需使用下面的这种方法。如果发生截断,它将返回 true,如果您只想使用标签默认帧宽度,则 MaxWidth 可以保留为 0。将 maxWidth 设置为小于帧宽度的值,以在其帧范围内缩短它。

Swift 2(带有一些 swift 3 注释用于转换)


Truncater.replaceElipsis(forLabel: label, withString: "???")
let didTruncate = Truncater.replaceElipsis(forLabel: label, withString: "1234", andMaximumWidth: 50) //maxWidth is not number of chars, but label width in CGFloat


import UIKit

class Truncater {

    class func replaceElipsis(forLabel label:UILabel, withString replacement:String) -> Bool {
        return replaceElipsis(forLabel: label, withString: replacement, andMaximumWidth:0)

    class func replaceElipsis(forLabel label:UILabel, withString replacement:String, andMaximumWidth width:CGFloat) -> Bool {

        if(label.text == nil){
            return false

        let origSize = label.frame;
        var useWidth = width

        if(width <= 0){
            useWidth = origSize.width //use label width by default if width <= 0

        let labelSize = label.text!.sizeWithAttributes([NSFontAttributeName: label.font]) //.size(attributes: [NSFontAttributeName: label.font]) for swift 3

        if(labelSize.width > useWidth){

            let original = label.text!;
            let truncateWidth = useWidth;
            let font = label.font;
            let subLength = label.text!.characters.count

            var temp = label.text!.substringToIndex(label.text!.endIndex.advancedBy(-1)) //label.text!.substring(to: label.text!.index(label.text!.endIndex, offsetBy: -1)) for swift 3
            temp = temp.substringToIndex(temp.startIndex.advancedBy(getTruncatedStringPoint(subLength, original:original, truncatedWidth:truncateWidth, font:font, length:subLength)))
            temp = String.localizedStringWithFormat("%@%@", temp, replacement)

            var count = 0

            while temp.sizeWithAttributes([NSFontAttributeName: label.font]).width > useWidth {


                temp = label.text!.substringToIndex(label.text!.endIndex.advancedBy(-(1+count)))
                temp = temp.stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet(NSCharacterSet.whitespaceCharacterSet()) //remove this if you want to keep whitespace on the end
                temp = String.localizedStringWithFormat("%@%@", temp, replacement)

            label.text = temp;
            label.frame = origSize;
            return true;
        else {

            label.frame = origSize;
            return false

    class func getTruncatedStringPoint(splitPoint:Int, original:String, truncatedWidth:CGFloat, font:UIFont, length:Int) -> Int {

        let splitLeft = original.substringToIndex(original.startIndex.advancedBy(splitPoint))

        let subLength = length/2

        if(subLength <= 0){
            return splitPoint

        let width = splitLeft.sizeWithAttributes([NSFontAttributeName: font]).width

        if(width > truncatedWidth) {
            return getTruncatedStringPoint(splitPoint - subLength, original: original, truncatedWidth: truncatedWidth, font: font, length: subLength)
        else if (width < truncatedWidth) {
            return getTruncatedStringPoint(splitPoint + subLength, original: original, truncatedWidth: truncatedWidth, font: font, length: subLength)
        else {
            return splitPoint

目标 C

+ (bool) replaceElipsesForLabel:(UILabel*) label With:(NSString*) replacement MaxWidth:(float) width 


#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

@interface CustomTruncater : NSObject

+ (bool) replaceElipsesForLabel:(UILabel*) label With:(NSString*) replacement MaxWidth:(float) width;



#import "CustomTruncater.h"

@implementation CustomTruncater

static NSString *original;
static float truncateWidth;
static UIFont *font;
static int subLength;

+ (bool) replaceElipsesForLabel:(UILabel*) label With:(NSString*) replacement MaxWidth:(float) width {

CGRect origSize = label.frame;

float useWidth = width;

if(width <= 0)
    useWidth = origSize.size.width; //use label width by default if width <= 0

[label sizeToFit];
CGSize labelSize = [label.text sizeWithFont:label.font];

if(labelSize.width > useWidth) {

    original = label.text;
    truncateWidth = useWidth;
    font = label.font;
    subLength = label.text.length;

    NSString *temp = [label.text substringToIndex:label.text.length-1];
    temp = [temp substringToIndex:[self getTruncatedStringPoint:subLength]];
    temp = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@", temp, replacement];

    int count = 0;

    while([temp sizeWithFont:label.font].width > useWidth){


        temp = [label.text substringToIndex:(label.text.length-(1+count))];
        temp = [temp stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet whitespaceCharacterSet]]; //remove this if you want to keep whitespace on the end
        temp = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@", temp, replacement];

    label.text = temp;
    label.frame = origSize;
    return true;
else {
    label.frame = origSize;
    return false;

+ (int) getTruncatedStringPoint:(int) splitPoint {

NSString *splitLeft = [original substringToIndex:splitPoint];
subLength /= 2;

if(subLength <= 0)
    return splitPoint;

if([splitLeft sizeWithFont:font].width > truncateWidth){
    return [self getTruncatedStringPoint:(splitPoint - subLength)];
else if ([splitLeft sizeWithFont:font].width < truncateWidth) {
    return [self getTruncatedStringPoint:(splitPoint + subLength)];
else {
    return splitPoint;

于 2013-02-22T09:06:01.887 回答

正如Javanator所说,您必须自己进行截断。您应该使用 sizeWithFont:forWidth:lineBreakMode:UIKit 添加到NSString类的消息来获取具有特定字体的字符串的宽度。这将处理所有类型的字体。


于 2012-03-13T14:05:30.770 回答

-[UILabel setLineBreakMode:]UILineBreakModeCharacterWrap。的默认值-[UILabel lineBreakMode]UILineBreakModeTailTruncation,这会导致省略号在末尾。

于 2011-10-24T15:11:19.060 回答


[lbl setAdjustsFontSizeToFitWidth:YES];


于 2011-01-25T12:54:24.123 回答

我想提供一个更 Swifty 版本的 Fonix 之前提供的并使用 Swift 5 语法。我还决定将这些函数编写为UILabel.

extension UILabel {
    func replaceEllipsis(withString replacement: String, andMaximumWidth width: CGFloat = 0) -> Bool {

        if let labelText = self.text, let font = self.font {
            let origSize = self.frame
            var useWidth = width

            if width <= 0 {
                useWidth = origSize.width // use label width by default if width <= 0

            let labelSize = labelText.size(withAttributes: [NSAttributedString.Key.font: font])

            if labelSize.width > useWidth {
                let truncateWidth = useWidth
                let subLength = labelText.count

                var newText = String(labelText[..<labelText.index(labelText.endIndex, offsetBy: -1)])
                newText = String(newText[..<newText.index(labelText.startIndex, offsetBy: getTruncatedStringPoint(splitPoint: subLength,
                                                                                                                  original: labelText,
                                                                                                                  truncatedWidth: truncateWidth,
                                                                                                                  font: font,
                                                                                                                  length: subLength))])
                newText = String.localizedStringWithFormat("%@%@", newText, replacement)
                var count = 0

                while newText.size(withAttributes: [NSAttributedString.Key.font: font]).width > useWidth {
                    count += 1
                    newText = String(labelText[..<labelText.index(labelText.endIndex, offsetBy: -(1 + count))])
                    newText = newText.trimmingCharacters(in: NSCharacterSet.whitespaces)
                    newText = String.localizedStringWithFormat("%@%@", newText, replacement)
                self.text = newText
                self.frame = origSize
                return true
            } else {
                self.frame = origSize
                return false
        } else {
            return false

    private func getTruncatedStringPoint(splitPoint: Int, original: String, truncatedWidth: CGFloat, font: UIFont, length: Int) -> Int {
        let index = original.index(original.startIndex, offsetBy: splitPoint)
        let splitLeft = String(original[..<index])

        let subLength = length / 2

        if subLength <= 0 {
            return splitPoint

        let width = splitLeft.size(withAttributes: [NSAttributedString.Key.font: font]).width

        if width > truncatedWidth {
            return getTruncatedStringPoint(splitPoint: splitPoint - subLength, original: original, truncatedWidth: truncatedWidth, font: font, length: subLength)
        } else if width < truncatedWidth {
            return getTruncatedStringPoint(splitPoint: splitPoint + subLength, original: original, truncatedWidth: truncatedWidth, font: font, length: subLength)
        } else {
            return splitPoint


<UILabel>.replaceEllipsis(withString: " ...Read More") // if you want to use the label width


有关我在重构中使用的参考资料,以下 StackOverflow 链接很有帮助:


substringToIndex 重构

于 2022-02-13T19:13:34.603 回答

你为什么不编码来计算字符串的长度并在它超出视图时生成它的子字符串。或做任何你想做的事情 这是原始但有效的方法

于 2011-01-25T12:25:59.687 回答