我试图让我的 28BYJ-48 步进电机旋转四分之一圈然后停止,但我无法在代码中实现它。我发现无论我在代码中输入的数字有多小,甚至以让我认为它可以正常工作的方式对其进行更改,我都无法让它停止旋转。下面是代码的有用部分。

#define STEPPER  (*((volatile uint32_t *)0x4000703C))

// Move 1.8 degrees clockwise, delay is the time to wait after each step
void Stepper_CW(uint32_t delay) {
  Pt = Pt->Next[clockwise];     // circular
  STEPPER = Pt->Out; // step motor

  if(Pos==199) {      // shaft angle
    Pos = 0;         // reset
  else {
    Pos--; // CW

// Move 1.8 degrees counterclockwise, delay is wait after each step
void Stepper_CCW(uint32_t delay) {
  Pt = Pt->Next[counterclockwise]; // circular
  STEPPER = Pt->Out; // step motor
  if(Pos==0) {        // shaft angle
    Pos = 199;         // reset
  else {
    Pos++; // CCW
 SysTick_Wait(delay); // blind-cycle wait

// Initialize Stepper interface
void Stepper_Init(void) {
  SYSCTL_RCGCGPIO_R |= 0x08; // 1) activate port D
  Pos = 0;                   
  Pt = &fsm[0]; 
                                // 2) no need to unlock PD3-0
  GPIO_PORTD_AMSEL_R &= ~0x0F;      // 3) disable analog functionality on PD3-0
  GPIO_PORTD_PCTL_R &= ~0x0000FFFF; // 4) GPIO configure PD3-0 as GPIO
  GPIO_PORTD_DIR_R |= 0x0F;             // 5) make PD3-0 out
  GPIO_PORTD_AFSEL_R &= ~0x0F;          // 6) disable alt funct on PD3-0
  GPIO_PORTD_DR8R_R |= 0x0F;            // enable 8 mA drive
  GPIO_PORTD_DEN_R |= 0x0F;         // 7) enable digital I/O on PD3-0 

// Turn stepper motor to desired position
// (0 <= desired <= 199)
// time is the number of bus cycles to wait after each step
void Stepper_Seek(uint8_t desired, uint32_t time) {
 short CWsteps;
  if((CWsteps = (desired-Pos))<0) {

// CW steps is > 100
 if(CWsteps > 100) {
   while(desired != Pos) {
 else {
   while(desired != Pos) {

Stepper_Seek 在这里被调用...

#include <stdint.h>
#include "stepper.h"
#define T1ms 16000    // assumes using 16 MHz PIOSC (default setting for clock source)
int main(void) {
  Stepper_CW(T1ms);   // Pos=1; GPIO_PORTD_DATA_R=9
  Stepper_CW(T1ms);   // Pos=2; GPIO_PORTD_DATA_R=5
  Stepper_CW(T1ms);   // Pos=3; GPIO_PORTD_DATA_R=6
  Stepper_CW(T1ms);   // Pos=4; GPIO_PORTD_DATA_R=10
  Stepper_CW(T1ms);   // Pos=5; GPIO_PORTD_DATA_R=9
  Stepper_CW(T1ms);   // Pos=6; GPIO_PORTD_DATA_R=5
  Stepper_CW(T1ms);   // Pos=7; GPIO_PORTD_DATA_R=6
  Stepper_CW(T1ms);   // Pos=8; GPIO_PORTD_DATA_R=10
  Stepper_CW(T1ms);   // Pos=9; GPIO_PORTD_DATA_R=9
  Stepper_CCW(T1ms);  // Pos=8; GPIO_PORTD_DATA_R=10
  Stepper_CCW(T1ms);  // Pos=7; GPIO_PORTD_DATA_R=6
  Stepper_CCW(T1ms);  // Pos=6; GPIO_PORTD_DATA_R=5
  Stepper_CCW(T1ms);  // Pos=5; GPIO_PORTD_DATA_R=9
  Stepper_CCW(T1ms);  // Pos=4; GPIO_PORTD_DATA_R=10
  Stepper_Seek(8,T1ms);// Pos=8; GPIO_PORTD_DATA_R=10
  Stepper_Seek(0,T1ms);// Pos=0; GPIO_PORTD_DATA_R=10
  while(1) {
    Stepper_CW(10*T1ms);   // output every 10ms




1 回答 1


您的环绕逻辑在 和 中都是向后Stepper_CW()Stepper_CCW()。以前者为例。假设您试图达到 198,并且Pos最初是 1:

  1. 在第一次调用时,Pos减为 0。这不等于 198,因此再次调用该函数。
  2. 在第二次调用时,Pos减为 199。这不等于 198,因此再次调用该函数。
  3. 在第三次调用时,会触发回绕情况,并将Pos其设置为 0。这不等于 198 ....


于 2017-12-19T22:28:41.130 回答