我使用无服务器将我的应用程序 (NodeJS) 部署到 AWS。直到昨天,我总共有 55 个端点和 4 个 Lambda 函数,它运行良好。现在我有 64 个端点和 5 个 lambda 函数,我得到了以下错误
**The Cloud Formation template is invalid: Template format error: Number of resources, 232, is greater than maximum allowed, 200**
**An error occurred: APIStack - Template format error: Number of resources, 221, is greater than maximum allowed, 200**
**An error occurred: LogStack - Embedded stack arn:aws:cloudformation:eu-central-1:943203963451:stack/premierxnew-dev-LogStack-1GT5J43EL92T9/de4913a0-db05-11e7-909b-50a68ae71462 was not successfully c
reated: The following resource(s) failed to create: [AppOtherLogGroup, AppFaqLogGroup, AppUserLogGroup, AppOrderLogGroup, AppEventLogGroup]. .**