我想生成许多JupyterLab实例,就像tmpnb为 Jupyter Notebook 所做的那样。
我docker build -t jupyterlab2 .
使用以下 Dockerfile 通过命令创建了一个新的 docker 映像:
FROM jupyter/datascience-notebook
RUN pip install npm
RUN pip install jupyterlab
RUN jupyter serverextension enable --py jupyterlab
export TOKEN=$( head -c 30 /dev/urandom | xxd -p )
docker run --net=host -d -e CONFIGPROXY_AUTH_TOKEN=$TOKEN --name=proxy jupyter/configurable-http-proxy --default-target
docker run --net=host -d -e CONFIGPROXY_AUTH_TOKEN=$TOKEN --name=tmpnb -v /var/run/docker.sock:/docker.sock jupyter/tmpnb python orchestrate.py --allow_origin='*' --image='jupyterlab2' --pool-size=5 --container-user=root --command='jupyter lab --allow-root LabApp.allow_origin="*"'
当我访问 URLhttp://<ip-address>:8000
,但这显示 404。我也尝试访问http://<ip>:8000/user/sTVKGwH01uoQ/lab
,但这也给出了 404。
1 个实例的日志如下:
Set username to: jovyan
usermod: no changes
Set jovyan GID to: 100
Execute the command: jupyter lab --allow-root --port 8888 --ip= --LabApp.allow_origin=*
[I 09:05:52.598 LabApp] Writing notebook server cookie secret to /home/jovyan/.local/share/jupyter/runtime/notebook_cookie_secret
[I 09:05:54.689 LabApp] JupyterLab alpha preview extension loaded from /opt/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/jupyterlab
[I 09:05:54.694 LabApp] Serving notebooks from local directory: /home/jovyan
[I 09:05:54.694 LabApp] 0 active kernels
[I 09:05:54.694 LabApp] The Jupyter Notebook is running at:
[I 09:05:54.694 LabApp]
[I 09:05:54.694 LabApp] Use Control-C to stop this server and shut down all kernels (twice to skip confirmation).
[C 09:05:54.695 LabApp]
Copy/paste this URL into your browser when you connect for the first time,
to login with a token:
[I 09:05:57.142 LabApp] 302 GET /user/1BhE9UZ2gg5o/ ( 0.54ms
[W 09:05:57.144 LabApp] 404 GET /user/1BhE9UZ2gg5o ( 1.45ms referer=None
[I 09:05:57.347 LabApp] 302 GET /user/1BhE9UZ2gg5o/ ( 0.56ms
[W 09:05:57.350 LabApp] 404 GET /user/1BhE9UZ2gg5o ( 1.44ms referer=None
[I 09:05:57.553 LabApp] 302 GET /user/1BhE9UZ2gg5o/ ( 0.55ms
[W 09:05:57.556 LabApp] 404 GET /user/1BhE9UZ2gg5o ( 1.41ms referer=None
[I 09:05:57.767 LabApp] 302 GET /user/1BhE9UZ2gg5o/ ( 2.80ms
[W 09:05:57.773 LabApp] 404 GET /user/1BhE9UZ2gg5o ( 3.44ms referer=None
[I 09:05:57.978 LabApp] 302 GET /user/1BhE9UZ2gg5o/ ( 0.56ms
[W 09:05:57.981 LabApp] 404 GET /user/1BhE9UZ2gg5o ( 1.46ms referer=None
[I 09:05:58.184 LabApp] 302 GET /user/1BhE9UZ2gg5o/ ( 0.55ms
[W 09:05:58.187 LabApp] 404 GET /user/1BhE9UZ2gg5o ( 1.42ms referer=None
[I 09:05:58.391 LabApp] 302 GET /user/1BhE9UZ2gg5o/ ( 0.56ms
[W 09:05:58.394 LabApp] 404 GET /user/1BhE9UZ2gg5o ( 2.05ms referer=None
[W 09:06:18.518 LabApp] 404 GET /user/1BhE9UZ2gg5o/tree ( 1.61ms referer=
[W 09:06:27.502 LabApp] 404 GET /user/1BhE9UZ2gg5o/lab ( 2.51ms referer=None
[W 09:07:20.568 LabApp] 404 GET /user/1BhE9UZ2gg5o/lab ( 2.28ms referer=None
我查看了一个与 JupyterHub 相关的问题,看起来非常相似。404错误页面对我来说也是一样的。我也尝试了一些随机的东西start.sh
甚至可以使用 tmpnb 运行 JupyterLab 吗?如果不是,那么我可以使用哪些其他工具来达到相同的目的?