在 JavaScript 中,一个数字后跟一个单词的正则表达式是什么?我需要抓住数字和单词并在计算后将它们都替换掉。
123 dollars => Catch the '123' and the 'dollars'.
foo bar 0.2 dollars => 0.2 and dollars
foo bar.5 dollar => 5 and dollar (notice the dot before 5)
foo bar.5.6 dollar => 5.6 and dollar
foo bar.5.6.7 dollar => skip (could be only 0 or 1 dot)
foo bar5 dollar => skip
foo bar 5dollar => 5 and dollar
5dollar => 5 and dollar
foo bar5dollar => skip
- 当然 123.555、0.365、5454.1 也是数字。
var text = "foo bar 15 美元。bla bla .."; var 货币 = { 美元:0.795 };
document.write(text.replace(/\b((?:\d+.)?\d+) *([a-zA-Z]+)/, function(a,b,c){ return currency[c] ? b * 货币[c] + '欧元' : a; } ));