我目前正在研究吸引力代码,我的概念是将单元格分配给人口、绿色空间和住宅空间等因素。我想编写这些因素之间的吸引力关系,其中,人口被绿色空间所吸引,住宅空间被绿色空间所吸引。我有几个 C# 组件,但由于此序列不包含元素错误,其中一些组件无法正常工作。我似乎无法在代码中找到错误,如果有人知道如何解决这个问题,我将不胜感激。谢谢您的帮助!
// ------- compute the attractivity landscape ----------
// -- find the max distance value - usually the diagonal from first to last:
int nrLocations = Distances.BranchCount;
int nrDists = Distances.Branch(0).Count;
double maxDist = Distances.Branch(0)[nrDists - 1];
// -- the list store the attractivity values for population to green spaces and housing to green spaces
List<double> attractPop = new List<double>();
List<double> attractSpaces = new List<double>();
List<double> attractResid = new List<double>();
double maxPop = PopulDistrib.Max();
double maxSpaces = GreenSDistrib.Max();
double maxResid = ResiDistrib.Max();
for(int i = 0; i < nrLocations; i++)
// -- reset lists in each loop:
double curPopAttract = 0;
double curSpacesAttract = 0;
double curResidAttract = 0;
for(int k = 0; k < nrDists; k++)
double curPop = PopulDistrib[k] / maxPop; // population of all cells
double curSpaces = GreenSDistrib[k] / maxPop; // Green Spaces of all cells
double curResid = ResiDistrib[k] / maxResid; // Residential Spaces of all cells
// -- distances to all cells:
// -- index i = from current cell // index k = to other cells
// -- division by maxDist gives normalized values in the range [0; 1] for the distance
double curDist = Distances.Branch(i)[k] / maxDist;
// ** Remember: the distances are normalized! Therefore:
// ** (1 - distance) :: makes close things more important than distant ones.
// ** (Math.Pow(1-distance, 6); :: decrease the effect of the distance exponentially.
// ** The perception of people concerning things in a certain distance can now be expressed by:
double distPerceptPop = Math.Pow(1 - curDist, 7);
//Print("distPercept: " + distPerceptPop.ToString());
// -- in addition, we just cut the relevance of distant things completely:
if (distPerceptPop < 0.4) distPerceptPop = 0;
// -- corresponding "perception" of Green Spaces concerning things in a distance:
double distPerceptSpaces = Math.Pow(1 - curDist, 2);
// -- corresponding "perception" of Residential Space concerning things in a distance:
double distPerceptResid = Math.Pow(1 - curDist, 4);
// ----------- Attractivity Functions ----------------------
// -- define the functions for the attractivity ------------
// -- here we control, what is prefered by which land use --
// -- linear attractivity function -> can become more complex functions!!!
// -- people like to be close to Green Spaces:
curPopAttract += ((distPerceptPop) * curSpaces );
//double curAttract = ((distPerceptPop) * curPop );
//curPopAttract += curAttract;
//Print("attractivityPop: " + curPopAttract.ToString());
// -- people DON'T like to be close to other people:
//curPopAttract += 1- ((distPerceptPop) * curPop );
// -- people DON'T like to be close to other people, + but to workplaces:
//double weightImportWork = 0.3; // -- weighting factor to express the importancy to be close to workplaces in contrast to be away from other people
//curPopAttract += 1- ((distPerceptPop) * curPop ) + weightImportWork * Math.Pow(1 - curDist, 2) * curWork;
// -- Residential Spaces like to be close to Green Spaces
curResidAttract += (distPerceptResid) * curSpaces;
// *** EXPERIMENT WITH THE ATTRACTIVITY FUNCTIONS ABOVE !!! **********************************
// *** You may also add additional relations similar to the other system dynamics examples ***
// -- collect the current values in the attractivity values lists:
// -- normalize the attractivity values for both lists --
double minPopAtt = attractPop.Min();
double maxPopAtt = attractPop.Max();
double minSpacesAtt = attractSpaces.Min();
double maxSpacesAtt = attractSpaces.Max();
double minResidAtt = attractResid.Min();
double maxResidAtt = attractResid.Max();
// -- formula for normalization to the range [0; 1]:
// -- normalized valueOfList = (valueOfList - minValueOfList) * 1 / maxValueOfList
for(int i = 0; i < attractPop.Count; i++)
attractPop[i] = (attractPop[i] - minPopAtt) * (1 / maxPopAtt);
attractSpaces[i] = (attractSpaces[i] - minSpacesAtt) * (1 / maxSpacesAtt);
attractResid[i] = (attractResid[i] - minResidAtt) * (1 / maxResidAtt);
// -- return the lists:
AttractPop = attractPop;
AttractSpaces = attractSpaces;
AttractResid = attractResid;