现在我一直在尝试制作带有螺栓动作系统的步枪,但是要使螺栓旋转非常困难,所以问题是如何实现像 SteamVR 的循环驱动中使用的旋转动作。

自从我开始研究 Unity 的 VR 以来,我一直在使用 VRTK,它促进了许多基本机制,但如果不使用刚体,它似乎没有单轴旋转器,这可能会对小物体(如螺栓)。

我通过使用 SteamVR 中的 Circular Drive 组件找到了螺栓旋转的解决方案,如本视频所示 (6:00):https ://youtu.be/r-edgGinqZ0?t=6m

但它不适用于 VRTK,因为它的控制器不使用 SteamVR 的(手)组件,这是循环驱动器工作所需的。


 if (isUising) //If the bolt is been used...

        difference = Controller.transform.position - transform.position; //Make the vector diferentiate of the position of the controller and the bolt position
        angle = Mathf.Atan2(difference.y, difference.x) * Mathf.Rad2Deg; //Have the angle in radians of the Tan of the x and y of the vector diferentiate
        angle = Mathf.Clamp(angle, 0, 65); //Clamp the angle to the max and minimum angles

        rotFrame = angle * 6 / 65; //Transform the angle to frames for the animator

        if (!boltOpen) //If bolt isint open/slided then: send rotFrame to the animator and check if the bolt is rotated to the open rotaiton or if its fully locked


            if (angle >= 65) //If the angle is at the opened position, make the bolt ready for sliding
                readyToOpen = true;
                readyToOpen = false;

            if (allOut) //If the bolt is closed reset the allOut bool to false
                allOut = false;

private void BoltRotating(float frame) //Activate rotation animation from the animator and play the animation with 0 speed and on the frame value from the angle
        BoltAnimation.SetBool("Slide", false);
        BoltAnimation.Play("BoltRotation", 0, frame);

1 回答 1


你看过 VRTK 示例中的场景 021_Controller_GrabbingObjectsWithJoints 吗?有一个轮子应该复制 Valve 的 CircularDrive 脚本的功能,该脚本称为VRTK_RotatorTrackGrabAttach。在那个场景中,车轮和门上有一个。



于 2017-12-01T00:31:32.223 回答