我需要创建一个假的位图图像来测试(JUnit 测试)我个人的自定义 LinkedList 的 add 和 get 方法,但 Bitmap.createBitmap 返回错误:
java.lang.RuntimeException:未模拟 android.graphics.Bitmap 中的方法 createBitmap。
这是我的 JUnitTest 的代码:
public class TicketsIteratorTest {
Bitmap img_Bmp;
TicketsIterator<Bitmap> TicketsList = new TicketsIterator();
* Test for the add e get methods, check if the element just insert it's the same of the one just extract.
public void Add_n_Get() throws Exception {
int i = 0, numIMG = 100;
Bitmap[] IMG_Generated;
IMG_Generated = new Bitmap[numIMG];
// Generate numIMG of imagine to insert into the Iterator and it save each one of it into an
// Bitmap array usefull for testing of the get method
while (i <= numIMG) {
// Generation of the fake Ticket Bitmap
try {
img_Bmp = Bitmap.createBitmap(100, 100, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
IMG_Generated[i] = img_Bmp;
} catch (Exception e) {
// Print the cause of the error just generated
// Addition of the imagine just created
// Test if the imagine inserted it is correct
while (i <= numIMG) {
assertTrue(IMG_Generated[i] == TicketsList.get(IMG_Generated[i]));