好的,这是一个通用的基本转换器类。我用 C# 编写了原始实现,现在将其转换为 C++。它的 .NET 起源可能仍然闪耀。您可以随意使用它。
const BaseConverter& hex2dec = BaseConverter::HexToDecimalConverter();
std::cout << hex2dec.Convert("07AA17C660F3DD1D2A1B48F1B746C148");
BaseConverter::BaseConverter(const std::string& sourceBaseSet, const std::string& targetBaseSet);
构造一个新的 BaseConverter 实例。该类在源数字基数中表示的数字之间转换为目标数字基数。
, 和十六进制"0123456789ABCDEF"
。任何可打印的 ASCII 字符都可以用作符号,因此您可以例如。对二进制系统使用"OI"
std::string BaseConverter::Convert(std::string value) const;
std::string BaseConverter::Convert(const std::string& value, size_t minDigits) const;
std::string BaseConverter::FromDecimal(unsigned int value) const;
std::string BaseConverter::FromDecimal(unsigned int value, size_t minDigits) const;
将unsigned int十进制数转换为目标数字基数。
unsigned int BaseConverter::ToDecimal(std::string value) const;
将源数字系统中的数字转换为十进制unsigned int。注意:如果源基础系统中数字的十进制值超过 UINT_MAX,结果将是错误的。
static const BaseConverter& BaseConverter::DecimalToBinaryConverter();
static const BaseConverter& BaseConverter::BinaryToDecimalConverter();
static const BaseConverter& BaseConverter::DecimalToHexConverter();
static const BaseConverter& BaseConverter::HexToDecimalConverter();
便利函数返回适合在常用数字基数之间转换的实例。注意:大写字符 A - F 用于十六进制数基数。
// Arbitrary precision base conversion by Daniel Gehriger <gehriger@linkcad.com>
#include <string>
class BaseConverter
std::string GetSourceBaseSet() const { return sourceBaseSet_; }
std::string GetTargetBaseSet() const { return targetBaseSet_; }
unsigned int GetSourceBase() const { return (unsigned int)sourceBaseSet_.length(); }
unsigned int GetTargetBase() const { return (unsigned int)targetBaseSet_.length(); }
/// <summary>
/// Constructor
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sourceBaseSet">Characters used for source base</param>
/// <param name="targetBaseSet">Characters used for target base</param>
BaseConverter(const std::string& sourceBaseSet, const std::string& targetBaseSet);
/// <summary>
/// Get a base converter for decimal to binary numbers
/// </summary>
static const BaseConverter& DecimalToBinaryConverter();
/// <summary>
/// Get a base converter for binary to decimal numbers
/// </summary>
static const BaseConverter& BinaryToDecimalConverter();
/// <summary>
/// Get a base converter for decimal to binary numbers
/// </summary>
static const BaseConverter& DecimalToHexConverter();
/// <summary>
/// Get a base converter for binary to decimal numbers
/// </summary>
static const BaseConverter& HexToDecimalConverter();
/// <summary>
/// Convert a value in the source number base to the target number base.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value">Value in source number base.</param>
/// <returns>Value in target number base.</returns>
std::string Convert(std::string value) const;
/// <summary>
/// Convert a value in the source number base to the target number base.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value">Value in source number base.</param>
/// <param name="minDigits">Minimum number of digits for returned value.</param>
/// <returns>Value in target number base.</returns>
std::string Convert(const std::string& value, size_t minDigits) const;
/// <summary>
/// Convert a decimal value to the target base.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value">Decimal value.</param>
/// <returns>Result in target base.</returns>
std::string FromDecimal(unsigned int value) const;
/// <summary>
/// Convert a decimal value to the target base.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value">Decimal value.</param>
/// <param name="minDigits">Minimum number of digits for returned value.</param>
/// <returns>Result in target base.</returns>
std::string FromDecimal(unsigned int value, size_t minDigits) const;
/// <summary>
/// Convert value in source base to decimal.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="value">Value in source base.</param>
/// <returns>Decimal value.</returns>
unsigned int ToDecimal(std::string value) const;
/// <summary>
/// Divides x by y, and returns the quotient and remainder.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="baseDigits">Base digits for x and quotient.</param>
/// <param name="x">Numerator expressed in base digits; contains quotient, expressed in base digits, upon return.</param>
/// <param name="y">Denominator</param>
/// <returns>Remainder of x / y.</returns>
static unsigned int divide(const std::string& baseDigits,
std::string& x,
unsigned int y);
static unsigned int base2dec(const std::string& baseDigits,
const std::string& value);
static std::string dec2base(const std::string& baseDigits, unsigned int value);
static const char* binarySet_;
static const char* decimalSet_;
static const char* hexSet_;
std::string sourceBaseSet_;
std::string targetBaseSet_;
// Arbitrary precision base conversion by Daniel Gehriger <gehriger@linkcad.com>
#include "BaseConverter.h"
#include <stdexcept>
#include <algorithm>
const char* BaseConverter::binarySet_ = "01";
const char* BaseConverter::decimalSet_ = "0123456789";
const char* BaseConverter::hexSet_ = "0123456789ABCDEF";
BaseConverter::BaseConverter(const std::string& sourceBaseSet, const std::string& targetBaseSet)
: sourceBaseSet_(sourceBaseSet)
, targetBaseSet_(targetBaseSet)
if (sourceBaseSet.empty() || targetBaseSet.empty())
throw std::invalid_argument("Invalid base character set");
const BaseConverter& BaseConverter::DecimalToBinaryConverter()
static const BaseConverter dec2bin(decimalSet_, binarySet_);
return dec2bin;
const BaseConverter& BaseConverter::BinaryToDecimalConverter()
static const BaseConverter bin2dec(binarySet_, decimalSet_);
return bin2dec;
const BaseConverter& BaseConverter::DecimalToHexConverter()
static const BaseConverter dec2hex(decimalSet_, hexSet_);
return dec2hex;
const BaseConverter& BaseConverter::HexToDecimalConverter()
static const BaseConverter hex2dec(hexSet_, decimalSet_);
return hex2dec;
std::string BaseConverter::Convert(std::string value) const
unsigned int numberBase = GetTargetBase();
std::string result;
unsigned int remainder = divide(sourceBaseSet_, value, numberBase);
while (!value.empty() && !(value.length() == 1 && value[0] == sourceBaseSet_[0]));
std::reverse(result.begin(), result.end());
return result;
std::string BaseConverter::Convert(const std::string& value, size_t minDigits) const
std::string result = Convert(value);
if (result.length() < minDigits)
return std::string(minDigits - result.length(), targetBaseSet_[0]) + result;
return result;
std::string BaseConverter::FromDecimal(unsigned int value) const
return dec2base(targetBaseSet_, value);
std::string BaseConverter::FromDecimal(unsigned int value, size_t minDigits) const
std::string result = FromDecimal(value);
if (result.length() < minDigits)
return std::string(minDigits - result.length(), targetBaseSet_[0]) + result;
return result;
unsigned int BaseConverter::ToDecimal(std::string value) const
return base2dec(sourceBaseSet_, value);
unsigned int BaseConverter::divide(const std::string& baseDigits, std::string& x, unsigned int y)
std::string quotient;
size_t lenght = x.length();
for (size_t i = 0; i < lenght; ++i)
size_t j = i + 1 + x.length() - lenght;
if (x.length() < j)
unsigned int value = base2dec(baseDigits, x.substr(0, j));
quotient.push_back(baseDigits[value / y]);
x = dec2base(baseDigits, value % y) + x.substr(j);
// calculate remainder
unsigned int remainder = base2dec(baseDigits, x);
// remove leading "zeros" from quotient and store in 'x'
size_t n = quotient.find_first_not_of(baseDigits[0]);
if (n != std::string::npos)
x = quotient.substr(n);
return remainder;
std::string BaseConverter::dec2base(const std::string& baseDigits, unsigned int value)
unsigned int numberBase = (unsigned int)baseDigits.length();
std::string result;
result.push_back(baseDigits[value % numberBase]);
value /= numberBase;
while (value > 0);
std::reverse(result.begin(), result.end());
return result;
unsigned int BaseConverter::base2dec(const std::string& baseDigits, const std::string& value)
unsigned int numberBase = (unsigned int)baseDigits.length();
unsigned int result = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < value.length(); ++i)
result *= numberBase;
int c = baseDigits.find(value[i]);
if (c == std::string::npos)
throw std::runtime_error("Invalid character");
result += (unsigned int)c;
return result;