虽然您可以为线条颜色指定透明度,但这在使用调色板时似乎是不可能的,这将是实现您想要的最直接的方法。仅使用 gnuplot 可以实现的最远距离是使颜色显示为透明,如以下脚本所示,其中 in.data 是包含示例数据的文件。
#!/usr/bin/env gnuplot
set term pngcairo
in_data = "in.data"
set out "out.png"
# function to combine color and alpha channels with white background
# 0: no transparency, 1: fully transparent
make_transparent(x1, t) = (1-t)*x1 + t
# a function to decide transparency
# the input and output must be in range of [0,1]
#get_transparency(x1) = 0 # no transparency
#get_transparency(x1) = 1 # fully transparent
get_transparency(x1) = 1 - x1 # smaller values are more transparent
# convenience function to truncate values
minval(x1, x2) = x1<x2?x1:x2
maxval(x1, x2) = x1>x2?x1:x2
truncval(x1, xmin, xmax) = maxval(minval(x1, xmax), xmin)
trunc(x1) = truncval(x1, 0, 1)
# the default palette consists of rgbfunctions 7,5,15
# we redefine their transparency enabled versions here
# the input and output must be in range of [0,1]
# see other formulae with "show palette rgbformulae" command in gnuplot
f7(x1) = make_transparent(sqrt(x1) , get_transparency(x1))
f5(x1) = make_transparent(x1**3 , get_transparency(x1))
f15(x1) = make_transparent(trunc(sin(2*pi*x1)), get_transparency(x1))
set palette model RGB functions f7(gray),f5(gray),f15(gray)
splot in_data palette
要获得真正的透明度,您需要将每个数据点绘制为单独的线并为其赋予不同的线颜色。这可以通过预处理数据来实现,如下面的 bash 脚本所示。
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -eu
# function to convert data value into rgba value
function value2rgba()
# arguments to function
local val="${1}"
local min="${2}"
local max="${3}"
# normalized value
local nval=$( bc -l <<< "(${val}-${min})/(${max}-${min})" )
#### alpha channel value ####
local alpha="$( bc -l <<< "255 * (1-${nval})" )"
# round to decimal
alpha=$( printf "%0.f" "${alpha}" )
#### red channel value ####
# rgbformulae 7 in gnuplot
local red="$( bc -l <<< "255 * sqrt(${nval})" )"
# round to decimal
red=$( printf "%0.f" "${red}" )
#### green channel value ####
# rgbformulae 5 in gnuplot
local red="$( bc -l <<< "255 * sqrt(${nval})" )"
local green="$( bc -l <<< "255 * ${nval}^3" )"
# round to decimal
green=$( printf "%0.f" "${green}" )
#### blue channel value ####
# rgbformulae 15 in gnuplot
local blue="$( bc -l <<< "255 * s(2*${pi}*${nval})" )"
# round to decimal
blue=$( printf "%0.f" "${blue}" )
# make sure blue is positive
if (( blue < 0 ))
### whole rgba value
local rgba="#"
rgba+="$( printf "%02x" "${alpha}" )"
rgba+="$( printf "%02x" "${red}" )"
rgba+="$( printf "%02x" "${green}" )"
rgba+="$( printf "%02x" "${blue}" )"
echo "${rgba}"
# data without blank lines
data="$( sed -E "/^[[:space:]]*$/d" "${in_data}" )"
# number of lines
nline=$( wc -l <<< "${data}" )
# get the minimum and maximum value of the 4-th column
min_max=( $( awk '{ print $4 }' <<< "${data}" | sort -g | sed -n '1p;$p' ) )
# array of colors for each point
while read -r line
colors+=( $( value2rgba "${line}" "${min_max[@]}" ) )
done < <( awk '{ print $4 }' <<< "${data}" )
# gather coordinates into one row
coords=( $( awk '{ print $1,$2,$3 }' <<< "${data}" ) )
gnuplot << EOF
set term pngcairo
set out "${out_png}"
unset key
splot for [i=0:nline-1] \$DATA \
u (column(3*i+1)):(column(3*i+2)):(column(3*i+3)) \
pt 1 lc rgb word(colors, i+1)
这些脚本使用 gnuplot 5 进行了测试。