
  1. 尝试使用 Oracle 12.2.x DB 将 Oracle Apex 从 3.2 安装/升级到 5.1.x。
  2. 在 5.1.x 升级安装期间 (@apexins.sql SYSAUX SYSAUX TEMP /i/) 安装停止并出现ORA-38824错误。
  3. 在 APEX 5.1.3 安装/升级期间发现 Oracle 文档 ID 2319659.1 - ORA-38824(文档 ID 2319659.1)
  4. 选项 1 中建议的应用步骤,错误ORA-38824错误再次发生

1 回答 1



连接到 12.2.x 数据库

1. cd apex (of Oracle Apex 5.1.x installation directory ).

2. sqlplus sys as sysdba.

3. Alter session set container = PDB Name. ( if installed on PDB - type also show con_name to verify ).

安装 Apex 5.1.x / 卸载 / 重新安装

4. @apexins.sql SYSAUX SYSAUX TEMP /i/ ( please check table space name if not default ) .

5. You should receive an error : ORA-38824: A CREATE OR REPLACE Command May not Change the EDITIONABLE Property of an Existing Object".

6. @apxremov.sql - will remove Apex Correctly - this what does the Trick.

7. re-run : @apexins.sql SYSAUX SYSAUX TEMP /i/ ( please check table space name if not default ).

重要提示:如果您想保留旧版本 APEX 应用程序和工作区,而 apex 网站导出机制不起作用(由于安装/升级失败),您应该执行以下操作

(学分转到:https ://avdeo.com/tag/apexexport-class/ )

-- Please note that classes12.jar must be in CLASSPATH as well 

set CLASSPATH=%ORACLE_HOME%\jdbc\lib\ojdbc6.jar;%ORACLE_HOME%\oui\jlib\classes12.jar;%CLASSPATH%;
set JAVA_HOME = C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_121
set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_121\bin

cd C:\temp\apex_5.1.3\apex\utilities

-- Please see check APEXExport options ( for exporting all aps at once or workspaces ), here is an example :
java oracle/apex/APEXExport -db apex-server.db.example.com:1525:apexdb -user <apex_schema> -password <passwd> -applicationid 101 
于 2017-11-07T12:52:15.090 回答