EDIT1:我正在使用 Windows Vista 和 R 2.12.1
我正在使用 maptools 包中的 spplot 绘制 84 张地图。我正在使用两个视口,一个用于绘制地图,一个用于绘制随时间变化的趋势。我编写了一个循环,它遍历数据的每个子集,根据分数绘制带有颜色编码的国家/地区的地图,并绘制该分数在迭代中的趋势。循环如下所示:
##Read in the shape file, it is 48mb
eu27 <- readShapeSpatial("C:/Users/Thomas/Documents/EU27_shapefile/eu27_cyp.shp",proj4string=CRS ("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs"))
##Drop not used variables from the shapefile data table
eu27@data <- data.frame(Order = 1:dim(eu27)[1], Country = as.character(eu27@data[,c("NAME_ISO")]))
##Fix longitude and lattitude for plotting later
xl <- c(-15,36)
yl <- c(33,73)
##Set the directory for storing the plots
##Define the breaks and colors
brks <- seq(0,8,1)
colcode <- terrain.colors(length(brks))
##Count used in the loop to keep track of iterations
count <- 1
##Vector to store the trend in time
total <- vector()
##Beginning of loop
for(i in 2001:2003){
for(j in 1:12){
##Subset the data and merge it with the shape file data table
dat <- d3[d3$Year == i & d3$Month == j, c("No","No.Neg","Country")]
eu27dat <- merge(eu27@data,dat, by="Country", all.x=TRUE)
eu27@data <- eu27dat[order(eu27dat$Order),]
eu27@data$tot <- eu27@data$No + eu27@data$No.Neg
##Store the map plot with countries color coded in the plot1 object
plot1 <- spplot(eu27, "tot", main = paste("Year: ",i,", Month: ",j, sep = ""), xlim=xl, ylim=yl, at = brks, col.regions = colcode)
##Remove the variables created
eu27@data$No <- NULL
eu27@data$No.Neg <- NULL
eu27@data$tot <- NULL
##Update the vector with trend data from the current iteration
total[count] <- sum(dat$No.Neg, na.rm = T)
##Store the trend data plot in the plot2 object
plot2 <-xyplot(total ~ 1:length(total), type = "b", xlab = "Time", ylab = "No Votes", ylim = c(-1,4))
##Open a PNG device
png(file = paste("mapNo",count,".png", sep = ""),width=20, height=12, units="cm",bg="white", pointsize=20, res=300)
##Create two viewports for the two plots created above
pushViewport(viewport(layout = grid.layout(1, 2, unit(c(2, 1), "null"))))
##Print plot1 in the first viewport
pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.col = 1, layout.pos.row = 1))
print(plot1, newpage = F)
##Print plot2 in the second viewport
pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.col = 2, layout.pos.row = 1))
print(plot2, newpage = F)
##Close the device
##Update the count
count <- count + 1
问题是 R 在 8 次迭代后崩溃,我怀疑我以某种方式耗尽了大量内存,但我真的不知道发生了什么。
EDIT2:我收到一条 Windows 错误消息,上面写着(从 Germahn 翻译):Windows 前端的 R 不再起作用
EDIT3:我一直在监视 Windows 任务管理器的内存使用情况,经过 8 次迭代,内存几乎完全用完。