
I need to connect to a SAP system, to pull/push data to/from that system?
I downloaded SAP PDK for .NET, build a solution using it, but this requires Portal Runtime for .NET to be installed on server, and this cannot be done, because SAP server is a Solaris one!

Also, I've checked existing solutions, but all of them use VS.NET 2003, to create what is called SAP Connector Proxy?

So, is there a way to connect to SAP system apart from using VS.NET 2003?

Have any one checked this before, NCo. It's a SAP .NET connector for .NET 3.0?!


3 回答 3


If it is possible to customize the SAP part, try to investigate PI, you can enable SAP.NET bidirectional communication via simple HTTP messages containing the data to exchange as n attachment. Very easy and stable way to go in my opinion.

于 2011-01-17T07:30:06.813 回答

适用于 Microsoft .NET 3.0 的 SAP 连接器已经作为官方 SAP .NET 连接器存在。

于 2011-01-17T09:03:00.630 回答

可以在 Sap 环境中创建 Web 服务。我们将它们广泛用于各种数据的 CRUD。我相信它被称为 XI 服务,您可以在此处找到有关它的一些信息。

Sap 分析师在 ABAP 中工作并向我们(在 VS2010 上工作的 .NET 4.0 开发人员)发送 wdsl,我们所要做的就是像任何其他 Web 服务一样将它们集成到我们的解决方案中。

于 2011-01-17T07:51:57.447 回答