前段时间,当我想编写一个is_callable<F, Args...>
trait 时,我对某些代码的以下行为感到困惑。重载解析不会调用通过非常量 ref 接受参数的函数,对吗?为什么它不拒绝以下因为构造函数想要一个Test&
struct Test {
Test() { }
// I want Test not be copyable from rvalues!
Test(Test&) { }
// But it's convertible to int
operator int() { return 0; }
void f(int) { }
void f(Test) { }
struct WorksFine { };
struct Slurper { Slurper(WorksFine&) { } };
struct Eater { Eater(WorksFine) { } };
void g(Slurper) { }
void g(Eater) { } // chooses this, as expected
int main() {
// Error, why?
// But this works, why?
m.cpp: In function 'int main()':
m.cpp:33:11: error: no matching function for call to 'Test::Test(Test)'
m.cpp:5:3: note: candidates are: Test::Test(Test&)
m.cpp:2:3: note: Test::Test()
m.cpp:33:11: error: initializing argument 1 of 'void f(Test)'