我使用 cocotb v1.0 和 ghdl 0.35-dev(llvm 和 gcc 后端)。

顶层包含一个简单的 for generate 语句:

gen_pe : for i in 1 to 4 generate
end generate gen_pe;

我尝试使用“dut.gen_pe[1]”访问我的 cocotb 测试台中第一个生成的模块。它产生错误:

10000.00ns WARNING  Failed to find a hdl at index 1 via any registered implementation
10000.00ns ERROR    Send raised exception: gen_pe contains no object at index 1

在遍历 dut 时,它会从 generate 语句中发现以下子模块:

10000.00ns INFO     Found something: (1)(GPI_MODULE)
10000.00ns INFO     Found something: (2)(GPI_MODULE)
10000.00ns INFO     Found something: (3)(GPI_MODULE)
10000.00ns INFO     Found something: (4)(GPI_MODULE)

不幸的是,无法使用“dut.(1)”访问它们,因为它不是有效的 python 语法。

接下来我尝试从 cocotb/tests/test_cases/test_array 执行测试数组测试用例:

make -s SIM=ghdl TOPLEVEL_LANG=vhdl


** TEST                                      PASS/FAIL  SIM TIME(NS)  REAL TIME(S)  RATIO(NS/S) **                   
** test_array.test_direct_constant_indexing    FAIL         2001.00          0.00   1640180.24  **                   
** test_array.test_direct_signal_indexing      FAIL         2001.00          0.00   1048707.02  **                   
** test_array.test_discover_all                FAIL         1001.00          0.01    145412.61  **                   
** test_array.test_extended_identifiers        PASS         2001.00          0.00   5155283.97  **                   
** test_array.test_gen_loop                    FAIL         1001.00          0.00   1166573.58  **                   
** test_array.test_read_write                  FAIL         1000.00          0.00    860546.57  **                   
9005.00ns INFO     cocotb.regression                         regression.py:358  in _log_sim_summary
**                                 ERRORS : 5                                      **
**                               SIM TIME : 9005.00 NS                             **
**                              REAL TIME : 0.05 S                                 **
**                        SIM / REAL TIME : 173326.30 NS/S                         **

test_gen_loop 的输出是:

7004.00ns INFO     cocotb.regression                         regression.py:287  in execute                         Running test 5/6: test_gen_loop
7004.00ns INFO     ..tine.test_gen_loop.0x7fa35db6d4d0       decorators.py:191  in send                            Starting test: "test_gen_loop"                                                                                       
                                                                                                               Description: Test accessing Generate Loops                                                                           
8004.00ns WARNING  cocotb.gpi                                GpiCommon.cpp:353  in gpi_get_handle_by_index         Failed to find a hdl at index 20 via any registered implementation                                                   
8004.00ns ERROR    ..tine.test_gen_loop.0x7fa35db6d4d0           result.py:51   in raise_error                     Send raised exception: asc_gen contains no object at index 20                                                        
                                                                                                                 File "/home/Programme/cocotb/cocotb/decorators.py", line 197, in send                                              
                                                                                                                   return self._coro.send(value)                                                                                    
                                                                                                                 File "/home/Programme/cocotb/tests/test_cases/test_array/test_array.py", line 189, in test_gen_loop                
                                                                                                                   asc_gen_20  = dut.asc_gen[20]                                                                                    
                                                                                                                 File "/home/Programme/cocotb/cocotb/handle.py", line 342, in __getitem__                                           
                                                                                                                   raise IndexError("%s contains no object at index %d" % (self._name, index))                                      

8005.00ns ERROR    cocotb.regression                         regression.py:263  in handle_result                   Test Failed: test_gen_loop (result was TestError)






library ieee;
    use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity top is
    port ( 
        clk : in std_logic;
        A : in std_logic_vector(4 downto 1);
        B : out std_logic_vector(4 downto 1)
end top;

architecture rtl of top is
    gen_pe : for i in 1 to 4 generate
        test : process (clk) is
            if (rising_edge(clk)) then 
                B(i) <= A(i);
            end if;
        end process test;
    end generate gen_pe;
end rtl;


import cocotb
from cocotb.clock import Clock
from cocotb.triggers import Timer

def test_gen(dut):
    cocotb.fork(Clock(dut.clk, 1000).start())

    yield Timer(1000)

    for i in dut:       
        print i._log.info("Found something: %s" % i._fullname)


CWD = $(shell pwd)
COCOTB = $(CWD)/../../..


VHDL_SOURCES = $(CWD)/../hdl/top.vhd

SIM = ghdl
CMD_BIN = ghdl


include $(COCOTB)/makefiles/Makefile.inc
include $(COCOTB)/makefiles/Makefile.sim

sim: $(MODULE).py

执行 with 后make,gpi 模块名称(1) ... (4)而不是gen_pe(1) ... gen_pe(4)打印到控制台。


gpi 模块名称在最新版本的 ghdl 中是固定的。但是 cocotb 测试数组测试用例仍然失败。


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