Do I understand correctly that you're separating the physics of something from it's game representation?
i.e, would you see something like this:
class CompanionCube
Body* m_pPhysicsBody;
If so, that smells wrong to me. Technically your 'GameObject' is a physics object, so it should derive from Body.
It sounds like you're planning on swapping physics models around and that's why you're attempting to do it via aggregation, and if that's the case, I'd ask: "Do you plan on swapping physics types at runtime, or compile time?".
If compile time is your answer, I'd derive your game objects from Body, and make Body a typedef to whichever physics body you want to have be the default.
If it's runtime, you'd have to write a 'Body' class that does that switching internally, which might not be a bad idea if your goal is to play around with different physics.
Alternatively, you'll probably find you'll have different 'parent' classes for Body depending on the type of game object (water, rigid body, etc), so you could just make that explicit in your derivation.
Anyhow, I'll stop rambling since this answer is based on a lot of guesswork. ;) Let me know if I'm off base, and I'll delete my answer.