
我使用下面的代码来比较这些包生成的 10 个主题(参见代码部分的术语)。我无法生成具有相似含义的主题集。例如,主题 10 fromtext2vec与“警察”有关,由 产生的主题均未topicmodels提及“警察”或类似术语。更进一步,我无法topicmodels在由text2vec.

我是 LDA 的初学者,因此,对于有经验的程序员来说,我的理解可能听起来很幼稚。然而,直觉上,人们会假设应该有可能产生一组具有相似含义的主题来证明结果的有效性/稳健性。当然,不一定是完全相同的一组术语,而是针对类似主题的术语列表。



  • 我知道text2vec不使用标准 Gibbs 采样,而是使用WarpLDA,这已经是算法上的差异topcimodels。如果我的理解是正确的,则priorsalphadeltaused intopicmodels分别设置为doc_topic_priortopic_word_priorin text2vec
  • 此外,在后处理中,text2vec 允许lambda根据频率对主题术语进行排序。我还不明白,术语是如何排序的topicmodels- 与设置相比lambda=1?(我尝试了 0 到 1 之间的不同 lambda,但没有得到类似的主题)
  • 另一个问题是,即使在设置时似乎也很难产生一个完全可重现的例子seed (例如,参见这个问题)。这不是我的直接问题,但可能会使回答更加困难。



更新:text2vec根据包创建者Dmitriy Selivanov的有用评论,我可以确认设置lambda=1增加了两个包生成的术语列表之间的主题相似性。

length(setdiff())此外,我通过快速检查和跨主题仔细查看了两个包生成的术语列表之间的差异length(intersect())(参见下面的代码)。这个粗略的检查表明text2vec每个主题丢弃了几个术语 - 可能是单个主题的概率阈值?topicmodels保留所有主题的所有条款。这解释了可以从术语列表(由人类)得出的部分含义差异。


    library(slam) #to convert dtm to simple triplet matrix for topicmodels

    ntopics <- 10
    alphaprior <- 0.1
    deltaprior <- 0.001
    niter <- 1000
    convtol <- 0.001
    set.seed(0) #for text2vec
    seedpar <- 0 #for topicmodels

    #Generate document term matrix with text2vec    
    tokens = movie_review$review[1:1000] %>% 
             tolower %>% 

    it = itoken(tokens, ids = movie_review$id[1:1000], progressbar = FALSE)

    vocab = create_vocabulary(it) %>%
            prune_vocabulary(term_count_min = 10, doc_proportion_max = 0.2)

    vectorizer = vocab_vectorizer(vocab)

    dtm = create_dtm(it, vectorizer, type = "dgTMatrix")

    #LDA model with text2vec
    lda_model = text2vec::LDA$new(n_topics = ntopics
                                  ,doc_topic_prior = alphaprior
                                  ,topic_word_prior = deltaprior

    doc_topic_distr = lda_model$fit_transform(x =  dtm
                                              ,n_iter = niter
                                              ,convergence_tol = convtol
                                              ,n_check_convergence = 25
                                              ,progressbar = FALSE

    #LDA model with topicmodels
    ldatopicmodels <- LDA(as.simple_triplet_matrix(dtm), k = ntopics, method = "Gibbs",
                             LDA_Gibbscontrol = list(burnin = 100
                                                     ,delta = deltaprior
                                                     ,alpha = alphaprior
                                                     ,iter = niter
                                                     ,keep = 50
                                                     ,tol = convtol
                                                     ,seed = seedpar
                                                     ,initialize = "seeded"

    #show top 15 words
    lda_model$get_top_words(n = 10, topic_number = c(1:10), lambda = 0.3)
    #       [,1]        [,2]        [,3]        [,4]       [,5]         [,6]         [,7]         [,8]      [,9]         [,10]       
    # [1,] "finally"   "men"       "know"      "video"    "10"         "king"       "five"       "our"     "child"      "cop"       
    # [2,] "re"        "always"    "ve"        "1"        "doesn"      "match"      "atmosphere" "husband" "later"      "themselves"
    # [3,] "three"     "lost"      "got"       "head"     "zombie"     "lee"        "mr"         "comedy"  "parents"    "mary"      
    # [4,] "m"         "team"      "say"       "girls"    "message"    "song"       "de"         "seem"    "sexual"     "average"   
    # [5,] "gay"       "here"      "d"         "camera"   "start"      "musical"    "may"        "man"     "murder"     "scenes"    
    # [6,] "kids"      "within"    "funny"     "kill"     "3"          "four"       "especially" "problem" "tale"       "police"    
    # [7,] "sort"      "score"     "want"      "stupid"   "zombies"    "dance"      "quality"    "friends" "television" "appears"   
    # [8,] "few"       "thriller"  "movies"    "talking"  "movies"     "action"     "public"     "given"   "okay"       "trying"    
    # [9,] "bit"       "surprise"  "let"       "hard"     "ask"        "fun"        "events"     "crime"   "cover"      "waiting"   
   # [10,] "hot"       "own"       "thinking"  "horrible" "won"        "tony"       "u"          "special" "stan"       "lewis"     
   # [11,] "die"       "political" "nice"      "stay"     "open"       "twist"      "kelly"      "through" "uses"       "imdb"      
   # [12,] "credits"   "success"   "never"     "back"     "davis"      "killer"     "novel"      "world"   "order"      "candy"     
   # [13,] "two"       "does"      "bunch"     "didn"     "completely" "ending"     "copy"       "show"    "strange"    "name"      
   # [14,] "otherwise" "beauty"    "hilarious" "room"     "love"       "dancing"    "japanese"   "new"     "female"     "low"       
   # [15,] "need"      "brilliant" "lot"       "minutes"  "away"       "convincing" "far"        "mostly"  "girl"       "killing"       

    terms(ldatopicmodels, 10)
    #      Topic 1     Topic 2   Topic 3       Topic 4   Topic 5    Topic 6       Topic 7     Topic 8      Topic 9    Topic 10
    # [1,] "show"     "where"   "horror"       "did"     "life"    "such"      "m"         "films"       "man"      "seen"       
    # [2,] "years"    "minutes" "pretty"       "10"      "young"   "character" "something" "music"       "new"      "movies"     
    # [3,] "old"      "gets"    "best"         "now"     "through" "while"     "re"        "actors"      "two"      "plot"       
    # [4,] "every"    "guy"     "ending"       "why"     "love"    "those"     "going"     "role"        "though"   "better"     
    # [5,] "series"   "another" "bit"          "saw"     "woman"   "does"      "things"    "performance" "big"      "worst"          
    # [6,] "funny"    "around"  "quite"        "didn"    "us"      "seems"     "want"      "between"     "back"     "interesting"
    # [7,] "comedy"   "nothing" "little"       "say"     "real"    "book"      "thing"     "love"        "action"   "your"       
    # [8,] "again"    "down"    "actually"     "thought" "our"     "may"       "know"      "play"        "shot"     "money"      
    # [9,] "tv"       "take"    "house"        "still"   "war"     "work"      "ve"        "line"        "together" "hard"       
    # [10,] "watching" "these"   "however"      "end"     "father"  "far"       "here"      "actor"       "against"  "poor"       
    # [11,] "cast"     "fun"     "cast"         "got"     "find"    "scenes"    "doesn"     "star"        "title"    "least"      
    # [12,] "long"     "night"   "entertaining" "2"       "human"   "both"      "look"      "never"       "go"       "say"        
    # [13,] "through"  "scene"   "must"         "am"      "shows"   "yet"       "isn"       "played"      "city"     "director"   
    # [14,] "once"     "back"    "each"         "done"    "family"  "audience"  "anything"  "hollywood"   "came"     "probably"   
    # [15,] "watched"  "dead"    "makes"        "3"       "mother"  "almost"    "enough"    "always"      "match"    "video" 


#number of terms in each model is the same
# [1] 2170
# [1] 2170

#number of NA entries for termlist of first topic differs
          lda_model$get_top_words(n = nrow(vocab), topic_number = c(1:10), lambda = 1)[,1]
#[1] 1778

          terms(ldatopicmodels, length(ldatopicmodels@terms))
#[1] 0

#function to check number of terms that differ between two sets of topic collections (excluding NAs)
lengthsetdiff <- function(x, y) {

  apply(x, 2, function(i) {

    apply(y, 2, function(j) {




#apply the check
termstopicmodels <- terms(ldatopicmodels,length(ldatopicmodels@terms))
termstext2vec <- lda_model$get_top_words(n = nrow(vocab), topic_number = c(1:10), lambda = 1)

# Topic 1 Topic 2 Topic 3 Topic 4 Topic 5 Topic 6 Topic 7 Topic 8 Topic 9 Topic 10
# Topic 1        0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0        0
# Topic 2        0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0        0
# Topic 3        0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0        0
# Topic 4        0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0        0
# Topic 5        0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0        0
# Topic 6        0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0        0
# Topic 7        0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0        0
# Topic 8        0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0        0
# Topic 9        0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0        0
# Topic 10       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0        0

# [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10]
# [1,]    0  340  318  335  292  309  320  355  294   322
# [2,]  355    0  321  343  292  319  311  346  302   339
# [3,]  350  338    0  316  286  309  311  358  318   322
# [4,]  346  339  295    0  297  310  301  335  309   332
# [5,]  345  330  307  339    0  310  310  354  309   333
# [6,]  350  345  318  340  298    0  311  342  308   325
# [7,]  366  342  325  336  303  316    0  364  311   325
# [8,]  355  331  326  324  301  301  318    0  311   335
# [9,]  336  329  328  340  298  309  307  353    0   314
# [10,]  342  344  310  341  300  304  299  355  292     0

# Topic 1 Topic 2 Topic 3 Topic 4 Topic 5 Topic 6 Topic 7 Topic 8 Topic 9 Topic 10
# [1,]    1778    1778    1778    1778    1778    1778    1778    1778    1778     1778
# [2,]    1793    1793    1793    1793    1793    1793    1793    1793    1793     1793
# [3,]    1810    1810    1810    1810    1810    1810    1810    1810    1810     1810
# [4,]    1789    1789    1789    1789    1789    1789    1789    1789    1789     1789
# [5,]    1831    1831    1831    1831    1831    1831    1831    1831    1831     1831
# [6,]    1819    1819    1819    1819    1819    1819    1819    1819    1819     1819
# [7,]    1824    1824    1824    1824    1824    1824    1824    1824    1824     1824
# [8,]    1778    1778    1778    1778    1778    1778    1778    1778    1778     1778
# [9,]    1820    1820    1820    1820    1820    1820    1820    1820    1820     1820
# [10,]    1798    1798    1798    1798    1798    1798    1798    1798    1798     1798

# [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10]
# Topic 1     0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0     0
# Topic 2     0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0     0
# Topic 3     0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0     0
# Topic 4     0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0     0
# Topic 5     0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0     0
# Topic 6     0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0     0
# Topic 7     0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0     0
# Topic 8     0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0     0
# Topic 9     0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0     0
# Topic 10    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0     0

#also the intersection can be checked between the two sets
lengthintersect <- function(x, y) {

  apply(x, 2, function(i) {

    apply(y, 2, function(j) {

      length(intersect(i[!is.na(i)], j[!is.na(j)]))




# Topic 1 Topic 2 Topic 3 Topic 4 Topic 5 Topic 6 Topic 7 Topic 8 Topic 9 Topic 10
# [1,]     392     392     392     392     392     392     392     392     392      392
# [2,]     377     377     377     377     377     377     377     377     377      377
# [3,]     360     360     360     360     360     360     360     360     360      360
# [4,]     381     381     381     381     381     381     381     381     381      381
# [5,]     339     339     339     339     339     339     339     339     339      339
# [6,]     351     351     351     351     351     351     351     351     351      351
# [7,]     346     346     346     346     346     346     346     346     346      346
# [8,]     392     392     392     392     392     392     392     392     392      392
# [9,]     350     350     350     350     350     350     350     350     350      350
# [10,]     372     372     372     372     372     372     372     372     372      372

1 回答 1


在用一些比较结果更新了我的问题后,我仍然对细节感兴趣。因此,我在(5000 个文档)movie_review中包含的完整数据集上运行了 lda 模型。text2vec为了产生中途真实的结果,我还引入了一些温和的预处理和停用词删除。(对不起下面的长代码示例)




此分析的一个重要限制是,我还没有(还)检查结果的最佳主题数量,我只使用了k=10. 因此,主题的可比性可能会增加以获得最佳k效果,无论如何质量都会提高,从而可能会提高“情绪”。(k根据用于查找的度量,算法之间的最优值可能再次不同k。)

library(slam) #to convert dtm to simple triplet matrix for topicmodels
library(tm) #for stopwords only

ntopics <- 10
alphaprior <- 0.1
deltaprior <- 0.001
niter <- 1000
convtol <- 0.001
set.seed(0) #for text2vec
seedpar <- 0 #for topicmodels

docs <- movie_review$review

preproc_fun <- function(x) {
  tolower(x) %>% 
  { gsub("[\\W]+", " ", ., perl=T) } %>% 
  { gsub("[\\d]+", " ", ., perl=T) } %>% 
  { gsub(paste0("(?<=\\b)(\\w{1,", 2, "})(?=\\b)"), "", ., perl=T) } %>% 
  { gsub("\\s+", " ", . , perl=T) } %>% 
  { gsub("^\\s|\\s$", "", ., perl=T) } %>% 

#Generate document term matrix with text2vec    
tokens = docs %>% 
  preproc_fun %>% 

it = itoken(tokens, ids = movie_review$id, progressbar = FALSE)

vocab = create_vocabulary(it, stopwords = tm::stopwords()) %>%
  prune_vocabulary(term_count_min = 10, doc_proportion_max = 0.2)

vectorizer = vocab_vectorizer(vocab)

dtm = create_dtm(it, vectorizer, type = "dgTMatrix")
# [1] 5000 7407

#LDA model with text2vec
ldatext2vec = text2vec::LDA$new(n_topics = ntopics
                              ,doc_topic_prior = alphaprior
                              ,topic_word_prior = deltaprior

doc_topic_distr = ldatext2vec$fit_transform(x =  dtm
                                          ,n_iter = niter
                                          ,convergence_tol = convtol
                                          ,n_check_convergence = 25
                                          ,progressbar = FALSE

control_Gibbs_topicmodels <- list(
                             alpha = alphaprior
                            ,delta = deltaprior
                            ,iter = niter
                            ,burnin = 100
                            ,keep = 50
                            ,nstart = 1
                            ,best = TRUE
                            ,seed = seedpar

#LDA model with topicmodels
ldatopicmodels <- LDA(as.simple_triplet_matrix(dtm)
                      ,k = ntopics
                      ,method = "Gibbs"
                      ,control = control_Gibbs_topicmodels 

#I have ordered the topics manually after printing top 15 terms and put similar (at least from my subjective standpoint) topics at the beginning
topicsterms_ldatopicmodels <- terms(ldatopicmodels,length(ldatopicmodels@terms))[,c(6,8,10,3,5,9,7,4,1,2)]
topicsterms_ldatext2vec <- ldatext2vec$get_top_words(n = nrow(vocab), topic_number = c(1:10), lambda = 1)[, c(9,6,4,10,5,3,7,2,8,1)]

#show top 15 words
#       [,1]       [,2]          [,3]          [,4]       [,5]       [,6]        [,7]    [,8]       [,9]        [,10]    
# [1,] "show"     "performance" "films"       "war"      "horror"   "say"       "man"   "love"     "know"      "man"    
# [2,] "series"   "role"        "director"    "american" "killer"   "better"    "back"  "life"     "say"       "woman"  
# [3,] "funny"    "films"       "scenes"      "book"     "doesn"    "nothing"   "last"  "big"      "life"      "life"   
# [4,] "still"    "music"       "audience"    "may"      "little"   "watching"  "match" "real"     "didn"      "police" 
# [5,] "original" "love"        "though"      "world"    "isn"      "know"      "big"   "women"    "going"     "father" 
# [6,] "years"    "cast"        "may"         "young"    "guy"      "worst"     "men"   "job"      "now"       "world"  
# [7,] "version"  "john"        "quite"       "family"   "actually" "didn"      "takes" "black"    "something" "black"  
# [8,] "episode"  "play"        "real"        "mother"   "gets"     "something" "woman" "new"      "things"    "wife"   
# [9,] "now"      "man"         "seems"       "true"     "dead"     "actors"    "take"  "money"    "back"      "goes"   
# [10,] "dvd"      "played"      "work"        "years"    "look"     "minutes"   "young" "work"     "saw"       "new"    
# [11,] "saw"      "actor"       "scene"       "novel"    "house"    "films"     "life"  "game"     "family"    "without"
# [12,] "old"      "excellent"   "actors"      "however"  "looks"    "least"     "city"  "world"    "love"      "around" 
# [13,] "watching" "young"       "interesting" "small"    "poor"     "script"    "town"  "still"    "thought"   "scene"  
# [14,] "watched"  "perfect"     "rather"      "quite"    "pretty"   "budget"    "dance" "comedy"   "got"       "shot"   
# [15,] "better"   "high"        "yet"         "history"  "stupid"   "lot"       "rock"  "american" "thing"     "another"

#       Topic 6   Topic 8        Topic 10    Topic 3       Topic 5  Topic 9    Topic 7   Topic 4    Topic 1  Topic 2    
# [1,] "show"    "performance"  "films"     "war"         "horror" "funny"    "man"     "love"     "life"   "little"   
# [2,] "years"   "role"         "director"  "american"    "house"  "better"   "wife"    "book"     "love"   "music"    
# [3,] "series"  "cast"         "something" "documentary" "scene"  "say"      "gets"    "films"    "world"  "action"   
# [4,] "now"     "actor"        "enough"    "part"        "killer" "know"     "father"  "version"  "young"  "fun"      
# [5,] "episode" "play"         "doesn"     "world"       "sex"    "watching" "back"    "still"    "family" "big"      
# [6,] "old"     "performances" "nothing"   "history"     "scenes" "thing"    "goes"    "original" "real"   "rock"     
# [7,] "back"    "comedy"       "actually"  "america"     "gore"   "pretty"   "new"     "quite"    "may"    "king"     
# [8,] "love"    "played"       "things"    "new"         "blood"  "guy"      "woman"   "music"    "man"    "animation"
# [9,] "saw"     "director"     "seems"     "hollywood"   "around" "didn"     "later"   "years"    "work"   "films"    
# [10,] "shows"   "job"          "know"      "japanese"    "little" "got"      "home"    "scenes"   "little" "black"    
# [11,] "new"     "john"         "without"   "white"       "woman"  "worst"    "money"   "old"      "lives"  "song"     
# [12,] "family"  "actors"       "real"      "shot"        "night"  "thought"  "son"     "scene"    "mother" "pretty"   
# [13,] "dvd"     "star"         "far"       "despite"     "dead"   "wasn"     "police"  "better"   "men"    "quite"    
# [14,] "still"   "excellent"    "might"     "still"       "zombie" "minutes"  "husband" "bit"      "find"   "musical"  
# [15,] "know"    "work"         "fact"      "early"       "scary"  "stupid"   "town"    "times"    "women"  "effects" 

#number of total terms for each model is the same
#however, the ldatext2vec from text2vec has NA values
# [1] 7407
length(ldatopicmodels@terms[ !is.na(ldatopicmodels@terms)])
# [1] 7407

terms_ldatext2vec <- unique(as.character(topicsterms_ldatext2vec))
# [1] 7408
# [1] 7407

#number of NA entries in topic/termlists of text2vec ldatext2vec
#[1] 7407   10
# [1] 60368
#share of NA values
#[1] 0.8150128

#no NA values in ldatopicmodels
sum(is.na(terms(ldatopicmodels, length(ldatopicmodels@terms))))
#[1] 0

#function to check number of terms that differ between two sets of topic collections (excluding NAs)
lengthsetdiff <- function(x, y) {
  apply(x, 2, function(i) {
    apply(y, 2, function(j) {

#also the intersection can be checked between the two sets
lengthintersect <- function(x, y) {
  apply(x, 2, function(i) {
    apply(y, 2, function(j) {
      length(intersect(i[!is.na(i)], j[!is.na(j)]))

#since especially the top words are of interest, we first check the intersection of top 20 words
#please note that the order of the topics, especially the last 3 is subjective
#          Topic 6 Topic 8 Topic 10 Topic 3 Topic 5 Topic 9 Topic 7 Topic 4 Topic 1 Topic 2
# [1,]      13       1        0       2       0       3       1       7       1       2
# [2,]       1       9        1       0       0       0       2       4       5       4
# [3,]       0       4        8       0       2       0       0       4       3       2
# [4,]       3       0        0       5       2       0       1       5       6       2
# [5,]       1       0        3       0       7       7       1       1       1       2
# [6,]       2       3        6       0       0      10       0       3       0       1
# [7,]       4       2        1       2       1       0       8       1       4       3
# [8,]       3       4        2       5       1       1       2       3       8       5
# [9,]      10       0        4       0       0       8       1       3       3       1
# [10,]      1       0        1       3       3       0       7       1       5       2

#apply the check with the topics ordered as shown above for the top 15 words

#all words are appear in each topic
#             Topic 1 Topic 2 Topic 3 Topic 4 Topic 5 Topic 6 Topic 7 Topic 8 Topic 9 Topic 10
# Topic 1        0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0        0
# Topic 2        0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0        0
# Topic 3        0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0        0
# Topic 4        0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0        0
# Topic 5        0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0        0
# Topic 6        0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0        0
# Topic 7        0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0        0
# Topic 8        0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0        0
# Topic 9        0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0        0
# Topic 10       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0        0

#not all words appear in each topic
lengthsetdiff(topicsterms_ldatext2vec ,
              topicsterms_ldatext2vec )
#      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10]
# [1,]    0 1188 1216 1241 1086 1055 1196 1131 1126  1272
# [2,] 1029    0 1203 1223 1139 1073 1188 1140 1188  1260
# [3,] 1032 1178    0 1224 1084 1024 1186 1122 1164  1238
# [4,] 1075 1216 1242    0 1175 1139 1202 1152 1207  1271
# [5,] 1011 1223 1193 1266    0 1082 1170 1170 1160  1214
# [6,]  993 1170 1146 1243 1095    0 1178 1119 1092  1206
# [7,] 1078 1229 1252 1250 1127 1122    0 1200 1195  1227
# [8,] 1030 1198 1205 1217 1144 1080 1217    0 1171  1211
# [9,]  966 1187 1188 1213 1075  994 1153 1112    0  1198
# [10,] 1095 1242 1245 1260 1112 1091 1168 1135 1181     0

#difference of terms in topics per topic between the two models
#         Topic 6 Topic 8 Topic 10 Topic 3 Topic 5 Topic 9 Topic 7 Topic 4 Topic 1 Topic 2
# [1,]    6157    6157     6157    6157    6157    6157    6157    6157    6157    6157
# [2,]    5998    5998     5998    5998    5998    5998    5998    5998    5998    5998
# [3,]    5973    5973     5973    5973    5973    5973    5973    5973    5973    5973
# [4,]    5991    5991     5991    5991    5991    5991    5991    5991    5991    5991
# [5,]    6082    6082     6082    6082    6082    6082    6082    6082    6082    6082
# [6,]    6095    6095     6095    6095    6095    6095    6095    6095    6095    6095
# [7,]    6039    6039     6039    6039    6039    6039    6039    6039    6039    6039
# [8,]    6056    6056     6056    6056    6056    6056    6056    6056    6056    6056
# [9,]    5997    5997     5997    5997    5997    5997    5997    5997    5997    5997
# [10,]    5980    5980     5980    5980    5980    5980    5980    5980    5980    5980

# [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10]
# Topic 6     0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0     0
# Topic 8     0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0     0
# Topic 10    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0     0
# Topic 3     0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0     0
# Topic 5     0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0     0
# Topic 9     0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0     0
# Topic 7     0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0     0
# Topic 4     0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0     0
# Topic 1     0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0     0
# Topic 2     0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0     0
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