For long and repeating models I want to create a "macro" (so called in Stata and there accomplished with global var1 var2 ...
) which contains the regressors of the model formula.
For example from
lm(income ~ education + prestige, data = Duncan)
I want something like:
regressors <- c("education", "prestige")
lm(income ~ @regressors, data = Duncan)
I could find is this approach. But my application on the regressors won't work:
reg = lm(income ~ bquote(y ~ .(regressors)), data = Duncan)
as it throws me:
Error in model.frame.default(formula = y ~ bquote(.y ~ (regressors)), data =
Duncan, : invalid type (language) for variable 'bquote(.y ~ (regressors))'
Even the accepted answer of same question:
lm(formula(paste('var ~ ', regressors)), data = Duncan)
strikes and shows me:
Error in model.frame.default(formula = formula(paste("var ~ ", regressors)),
: object is not a matrix`.
And of course I tried as.matrix(regressors)
So, what else can I do?