我在 R 中的 RJSONIO 包中的 fromJSON 函数有问题。
我有一个用 fromJSON 读取的 json 文件
{"indy movies" :[
"name" : "Raiders of the Lost Ark",
"year" : 1981,
"actors" : {
"Indiana Jones": "Harrison Ford",
"Dr. René Belloq": "Paul Freeman"
"producers": ["Frank Marshall", "George Lucas", "Howard Kazanjian"],
"budget" : 18000000,
"academy_award_ve": true
"name" : "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom",
"year" : 1984,
"actors" : {
"Indiana Jones": "Harrison Ford",
"Mola Ram": "Amish Puri"
"producers": ["Robert Watts"],
"budget" : 28170000,
"academy_award_ve": true
"name" : "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade",
"year" : 1989,
"actors" : {
"Indiana Jones": "Harrison Ford",
"Walter Donovan": "Julian Glover"
"producers": ["Robert Watts", "George Lucas"],
"budget" : 48000000,
"academy_award_ve": false
indy <- fromJSON(content = "indy.json")
> indy <- fromJSON(content = "indy.json")
Error in nchar(content) : invalid multibyte string, element 1
这是我的相关 sessionInfo()
R version 3.3.3 (2017-03-06)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin13.4.0 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS Sierra 10.12.4