这是执行此操作的特定代码。只需在 TODO 关键字中插入您的设置/代码:
//TODO: insert your settings here
$database = 'your_db_name';
$table = 'your_table_name';
$column = 'column_that_needs_conversion';
$primarykey = 'name_of_primary_key_in_that_table';
if (mb_internal_encoding() != 'UTF-8') {
die('This script must be run in an UTF-8 environment!');
$utf8_encode_callback = create_function('&$item,$key', 'if (is_string($item)) $item = utf8_encode($item);');
$tablecol = $table .'.'. $column;
$getvaluesSQL = "SELECT ". $tablecol ." AS thevalue, ". $primarykey ." AS primkey FROM ". $database .".". $table ." WHERE ". $tablecol ." IS NOT NULL AND LENGTH(". $tablecol .") > 0";
//TODO: insert code here for executing $getvaluesSQL against your database
if (mysqli_num_rows($db_getvalues) > 0) {
while ($getvalues = mysqli_fetch_assoc($db_getvalues)) {
$php = unserialize(utf8_decode($getvalues['thevalue']));
if (is_array($php)) {
array_walk_recursive($php, $utf8_encode_callback);
} elseif (is_string($php)) {
$php = utf8_encode($php);
$new_ser = serialize($php);
# For checking that conversion happened correctly (compare the two files):
#file_put_contents('c:/dump0.txt', $getvalues['thevalue'] ."\r\n", FILE_APPEND);
#file_put_contents('c:/dump1.txt', $new_ser ."\r\n", FILE_APPEND);
$sql = "UPDATE ". $database .".". $table ." SET ". $tablecol ." = '". sql_esc($new_ser) ."' WHERE ". $primarykey ." = ". $getvalues['primkey'];
//TODO: insert code here for executing $sql against your database
echo '<div>Done with '. $tablecol .'</div>';