我正在使用Juce框架来构建 VST/AU 音频插件。音频插件接受 MIDI,并将 MIDI 渲染为音频样本——通过发送 MIDI 消息由FluidSynth(一种声音合成器)处理。
这几乎可以工作了。MIDI 消息正确发送到 FluidSynth。事实上,如果音频插件告诉 FluidSynth 将 MIDI 消息直接渲染到它的音频驱动程序——使用正弦波声音字体——我们会得到一个完美的结果:
但我不应该要求 FluidSynth 直接渲染到音频驱动程序。因为这样 VST 主机将不会收到任何音频。
要正确执行此操作:我需要实现一个renderer。VST 主机每秒会询问我 (44100÷512) 次以呈现 512 个音频样本。
我尝试按需渲染音频样本块,并将其输出到 VST 主机的音频缓冲区,但这是我得到的那种波形:
这是同一个文件,每 512 个样本(即每个音频块)都有标记:
这是我的代码中最重要的部分:我对 JUCE 的SynthesiserVoice
#include "SoundfontSynthVoice.h"
#include "SoundfontSynthSound.h"
SoundfontSynthVoice::SoundfontSynthVoice(const shared_ptr<fluid_synth_t> synth)
: midiNoteNumber(0),
bool SoundfontSynthVoice::canPlaySound(SynthesiserSound* sound) {
return dynamic_cast<SoundfontSynthSound*> (sound) != nullptr;
void SoundfontSynthVoice::startNote(int midiNoteNumber, float velocity, SynthesiserSound* /*sound*/, int /*currentPitchWheelPosition*/) {
this->midiNoteNumber = midiNoteNumber;
fluid_synth_noteon(synth.get(), 0, midiNoteNumber, static_cast<int>(velocity * 127));
void SoundfontSynthVoice::stopNote (float /*velocity*/, bool /*allowTailOff*/) {
fluid_synth_noteoff(synth.get(), 0, this->midiNoteNumber);
void SoundfontSynthVoice::renderNextBlock (
AudioBuffer<float>& outputBuffer,
int startSample,
int numSamples
) {
synth.get(), // fluid_synth_t *synth //FluidSynth instance
numSamples, // int len //Count of audio frames to synthesize
1, // int nin //ignored
nullptr, // float **in //ignored
outputBuffer.getNumChannels(), // int nout //Count of arrays in 'out'
outputBuffer.getArrayOfWritePointers() // float **out //Array of arrays to store audio to
这是要求合成器的每个声音产生 512 个音频样本块的地方。
void LazarusAudioProcessor::processBlock (
AudioBuffer<float>& buffer,
MidiBuffer& midiMessages
) {
jassert (!isUsingDoublePrecision());
const int numSamples = buffer.getNumSamples();
// Now pass any incoming midi messages to our keyboard state object, and let it
// add messages to the buffer if the user is clicking on the on-screen keys
keyboardState.processNextMidiBuffer (midiMessages, 0, numSamples, true);
// and now get our synth to process these midi events and generate its output.
synth.renderNextBlock (
buffer, // AudioBuffer<float> &outputAudio
midiMessages, // const MidiBuffer &inputMidi
0, // int startSample
numSamples // int numSamples
// In case we have more outputs than inputs, we'll clear any output
// channels that didn't contain input data, (because these aren't
// guaranteed to be empty - they may contain garbage).
for (int i = getTotalNumInputChannels(); i < getTotalNumOutputChannels(); ++i)
buffer.clear (i, 0, numSamples);
我在这里有什么误解吗?让 FluidSynth 给我与前一个样本块背靠背的样本是否需要一些时间上的微妙之处?也许我需要传入一个偏移量?
也许 FluidSynth 是有状态的,并且有我需要控制的自己的时钟?