我在移动 Safari 上显示默认字段值“1.10”时遇到问题。因为最后一位是零,所以显示为“1.1”。我在桌面系统上没有这个问题,只在移动 safari 上显示。
如果我将默认值设置为“1.11”,则显示所有数字,但“1.10”显示为“1.1”。如何强制 Mobile Safari 将“1.10”显示为默认表单值?
<label id="mortIns_lbl" for=mortIns>Mortgage Ins. (PMI):</label><div class="dollar">$</div>
<input id=mortIns class=narrow name=mortIns type=text readonly>
<input class="percent necessary" id=miPerc name=miPerc type=number onblur=loan() min="0"
value="1.10"><div class="pct">%</div><a title="Most mortgage banks will require mortgage insurance if the down payment is less than 20% of the total purchase price of the property. Once 20-25% of the principal has been payed down, the PMI should be removed. However, until that happens, the mortgage insurance payment will remain. 1.1% is the average, but for further clarification talk to a professional lender.">?</a>
这是显示 Mobile Safari 上的问题的屏幕截图(通过 Xcode 模拟器)
第一个图像显示 1.11 设置为默认值,显示正确的数字。然后设置为 1.10,即截断零。
您可以在 EZMonthlyPayment.com 在您的桌面和 iOS 设备上自行测试。