I transfered this https://github.com/blazsolar/HorizontalPicker Library into Java Binding Library. The Library implements an OnItemSelected Event whicht is used like this in Java.
public void onItemSelected(int index) {
Toast.makeText(this, "Item selected", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
Now i want to use it like this in my C# Code.
var Picker = view.FindViewById<Com.Wefika.Horizontalpicker.HorizontalPicker>(Resource.Id.numberPicker);
Picker.onItemClicked+= delegate{};
Unfortunately onItemClicked does not exist. I looked in the generated api xml and there it is declared.
<interface abstract="true" deprecated="not deprecated" final="false" name="HorizontalPicker.OnItemClicked" static="true" visibility="public">
<method abstract="true" deprecated="not deprecated" final="false" name="onItemClicked" native="false" return="void" static="false" synchronized="false" visibility="public">
Now I´m wondering how i can use this Event? Do i have to modify something or can i get it on a different way?