在过去的 3 年中,我一直在使用(...可耻地)SharePoint 2007、DNN 和 Tridion 来开发 Web 门户。然而,我希望摆脱 SharePoint 和 Tridion(缺乏对 url、标记和 tdd 的控制)并正在寻找替代方案。


  • 果园
  • 站点有限性
  • 乌姆布拉科
  • N2

尽管 Orchard 和 Sitefinity 看起来很容易扩展,但我担心社区支持。



4 回答 4


Orchard 由 Microsoft 团队开发,并由 Scrott Guthrie、Scott Hanselman 等人推动,因此此时支持应该没有问题。Orchard 是在 ASP.Net MVC 3 的新功能之上构建的,也是最先进的。我的投票将投给果园。

于 2011-01-14T11:03:05.973 回答

我只尝试过 Umbraco,它易于客户、开发人员使用,并且代码和内容之间有很好的分离,因此客户永远不必看到任何代码。

于 2011-01-04T08:33:18.950 回答

Because it wasn't mentioned here, I'd like to advocate for N2CMS. Though its documentation sometimes leaves a little to be desired, once you're up to speed, developing for it is like a fresh breath of air compared to some other CMS's. It's extensibility is far beyond what you would expect, though you sometimes have to dig into ILSpy to find the gems.

Support on the N2CMS forum is really up to par, thumbs up for the developer(s). It has also been around for some time right now, so you can call it pretty mature.

Upside - wich might also be a downside when trying to keep up - is that it's under pretty active development, meaning important bugs get smashed quite efficiently.

I must admit I have little experience with Orchard (looks like it's really a match on several aspects), and because of MS supporting it more or less, I think Orchard might win the game by sheer exposure :)

于 2011-09-26T10:43:22.090 回答

我们目前拥有所有 3 种设置,我认为 Umbraco 目前是最安全的选择,也是最强大的,只要您愿意集成 URL 重写器(公共网站上没有 aspx 扩展的地方)Sharepoint 是错误的这项工作的工具(除非您需要更先进的变更跟踪系统),而 Orchard 对我来说太新了,无法将它推荐给任何对部署前沿技术犹豫不决的人。我没有使用 N2 和 Sitefinity 的经验。

我自己最近一直在使用 Orchard,主要是为了跟上潮流,我发现它的边缘有点粗糙,但很有前途且可扩展,尤其是对于具有 ASP.NET MVC 经验的开发人员而言。用于导航的子菜单似乎并不容易开箱即用,但是这个 stackoverflow 帖子似乎提供了一个解决方案。此外,我讨厌将 Web 表单用于 CMS,因此这是针对 Umbraco(直到他们发布版本 5)和 Sharepoint 的标志。系统。

于 2011-03-21T19:32:23.890 回答