
I have a project where I'm writing new CSS for a client's website, but I have no actual access to their code. To get around this, I've been editing the CSS in browser element by element using google dev tools. The big problem with this method is that once I've written all this new CSS, if the browser is refreshed I lose all of it.

Question is, does google dev tools have a feature where I can upload a whole new CSS document to override what it's displaying in browser?

I'm going to guess no, but if it was possible it would make my life a lot easier moving forward. Thank you all.


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您可以使用 JavaScript 注入脚本。您可以使用 TamperMonkey 之类的工具自动运行代码。用于 FireFox 的 GreaseMonkey 与此类似,并且会为您提供更多示例。您还可以在注入对您的引用之前使用该脚本删除页面上的所有样式表。

于 2017-08-23T14:01:17.183 回答