i want to allow anonymous users to create forum topics with their information ( name, email ) and also to be able to alert them when a new comment is posted. There is any simple way to do so ?


3 回答 3


Please have a look to the Anonymous Posting module http://drupal.org/project/anonymous_posting which allow anonymous users to fill their contact informations just like for comments.

于 2011-09-23T10:15:51.177 回答

You need to give the anonymous user role the permission to create forum posts ("create forum topics") and comment ("post comments", you probably also want "post comments without approval").

For notifications, there are several modules available, a simple one that also works well for anonymous users is http://drupal.org/project/comment_notify. Users just need to tick the checkbox when they write a comment and they will receive an alert when an answer is posted.

于 2011-01-03T10:22:35.630 回答

You can download and use ADVANCED FORUM module for your drupal site.It contains vast features that will help you to design efficient forum discussion.After installing the module check whether the anonymous check box is enabled if not enable that check box to.If you have any doubt refer the documentation before installing the advanced forum module.

于 2011-01-25T07:14:50.253 回答