I've been looking for a good testing framework for months, not finding anything, so I've just been building my own.

This is what I want to do:
- track arbitrary behaviors (e.g. # of photos viewed, # of comments posted)
- track correlation between arbitrary variables and those behaviors
(e.g, how do different versions of this prompt affect average # of photos viewed?)

This kind of thing should be a core part of agile development. What's out there? I know Google Website Optimizer is one of the answers, but you can only track behaviors that end in a single "success" page.

It'd be great to have a plugin that can work within your code (Rails in my case) and feed into a nice hosted service with pretty graphs...


2 回答 2


您可能希望将您的问题划分为分析(印象、操作和可能的页内事件、测试报告)和提供变体的框架(如何在准备它们的实际方面管理 x 个变体,您是否需要存储变体以供将来参考、打开和关闭测试、优化测试的有效性等)。显然存在重叠,例如,Google 网站优化器可以在有数据支持时立即关闭一个不好的变体,但是通过将其视为不同的问题,您也许可以重用 Google Analytics 组件。

于 2009-01-24T06:47:24.600 回答



于 2009-04-01T20:28:26.200 回答