GHDL 的新功能。这是我的 VHDL 代码:
Name: test.vhd
Description: Demonstrates basic design in VHDL code.
Date: 04. August 2017 AD
--first part: libraries
library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
--second part: entity declaration
entity myEntity is
port(a, b, c: in STD_LOGIC; y: out STD_LOGIC);
--third part: entity implementation
architecture aom of myEntity is
y <= not b and (c or a and b);
尝试编译它ghdl -s test.vhd
会给我这个错误:test.vhd:1:1:error: block comment are not allowed before vhdl 2008
所以我试试这个:ghdl --std=08 -s test.vhd
我得到了这个:ghdl:error: unknown command '--std=08', try --help