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1 回答 1

# Points about Tweedledee and Tweedledum

Much has been made of the curious features of 
Tweedledee and Tweedledum.  We propose here to
set some of the controversy to rest and to uproot
all of the more outlandish claims.

    .      Tweedledee       Tweedledum
--------   --------------   ----------------
Age        14               14
Height     3'2"             3'2"
Politics   Conservative     Conservative
Religion   "New Age"        Syrian Orthodox
---------  --------------   ----------------

Table: T.-T. Data

# Mussolini's role in my downfall

             *Drugs*         *Alcohol*           *Tobacco*
----------   -------------   -----------------   --------------------
    Monday     3 Xanax        2 pints             3 cigars,  
                                                  1 hr at hookah bar

   Tuesday    14 Adderall     1 Boone's Farm,     1 packet Drum
                              2 Thunderbird

 Wednesday    2 aspirin       Tall glass water    (can't remember)

Table:  *Tableau des vices*, deluxe edition

# Points about the facts

In recent years, more and more attention has been 
paid to opinion, less and less to what were formerly 
called the cold, hard facts.  In a spirit of traditionalism, 
we propose to reverse the trend. Here are some of our results.

-------     ------ ----------   -------
     12     12        12             12
    123     123       123           123
      1     1          1              1

Table:  Crucial Statistics

# Recent innovations (1): False presentation

Some, moved by opinion and an irrational lust for novelty, 
would introduce a non-factual element into the data, 
perhaps moving all the facts to the left:

-------     ------ ----------   -------
12          12     12           12
123         123    123          123
1           1      1            1

Table: Crucial "Statistics"

# Recent innovations (2): Illegitimate decoration

Others, preferring their facts to be *varnished*, 
as we might say, will tend to 'label' the columns

Variable    Before During       After
---------   ------ ----------   -------
12          12     12           12
123         123    123          123
1000        1000   1000         1000

# Recent innovations (3): "Moderate" decoration

Or, maybe, to accompany this 'spin' with a centered or centrist representation: 

 Variable    Before  During       After
----------  ------- ----------   -------
 12          12      12           12
 123         123     123          123
 1           1       1            1

# The real enemy

Some even accompany these representations with a bit of leftwing 
clap-trap, suggesting the facts have drifted right:

  Variable       Before            During       After
----------  -----------        ----------     -------
 12                  12                12          12
              -- Due to

  123               123               123          123
              -- Thanks
              to the 

  1                   1                 1            1
              -- All a 
              matter of
            sound Party

Table: *"The conditions are not ripe, comrades; they are **overripe**!"*

# The Truth

If comment be needed, let it be thus:  the facts have drifted left.

 Variable   Before             During            After
----------  -------------      ----------        ----------------------
 12         12                 12                12
            (here's            (due to           (something to do
            where the rot      lapse of          with Clinton and
            set in )           traditional       maybe the '60's)

 123        123                123               123
            (too much          (A=440?)
            strong drink)

 1          1                  1                 1
                                                 (Trilateral Commission?)

Table: *The Decline of Western Civilization*
于 2010-12-30T19:40:52.250 回答