如何在 Photoshop 中将一堆文件的每个文件名转换为文本层(并保存)?

文件夹 1:数百个文件

文件夹 2:几乎相同的文件,但每个文件名都贴在图像上

这是一个被黑掉的片段。我似乎无法解决的错误是如何将 activeDocument 设置为当前打开的。http://pastebin.com/b0fqG9v4


2 回答 2


没有被标记为已回答,所以这里有一个用于 CS 的 javascript 示例(并且也应该适用于以后的版本),以防有人关心这样的事情。这将打开源文件夹中的每个图像文件并添加一个新的文本层。将文件名设置为文本层的内容,然后将新文件保存到输出位置。



function main ()
    if (0 < app.documents.length)
        alert ("Please close all open documents before running this script.");

    // Use folder selection dialogs to get the location of the input files
    // and where to save the new output files.
    var sourceFolder = Folder.selectDialog ("Please choose the location of the source image files.", Folder.myDocuments);
    var destFolder = Folder.selectDialog ("Please choose a location where the new image files will be saved.", sourceFolder);

    var files = sourceFolder.getFiles();
    for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++)
        var f = files[i];
        if (f instanceof Folder)

        // If there are no other documents open doc is the active document.
        var doc = app.open (f);
        var layer = doc.artLayers.add ();
        layer.bounds = [0,0,doc.width,doc.height];

        // Now make the layer into a text layer and set parameters.
        // The text will be centered, in the hideous default font, and white.
        // Note that font size depends not just on the point size, but also
        // on the resolution, which is NOT being set anywhere.
        layer.kind = LayerKind.TEXT;
        layer.textItem.position = [Math.round (doc.width / 2),Math.round (doc.height / 2)];
        layer.textItem.justification = Justification.CENTER;
        layer.textItem.color.rgb.hexValue = "FFFFFF";
        layer.textItem.size = 60;

        // Get the file name and set it as the text this assumes the full path is not wanted.
        // to set the full path swap fsname for name.
        layer.textItem.contents = File.decode (f.name);

        doc.flatten ();

        // Save as a new JPG file with these options.
        var options = new JPEGSaveOptions ();
        options.quality = 8;

        var outputFile = new File (destFolder.absoluteURI + "/" + f.name);
        doc.saveAs (outputFile, options, false, Extension.LOWERCASE);
        doc.close ();
于 2011-01-01T00:53:10.937 回答

显然,Photoshop 可以通过 Javascript 编写脚本,因此使用虚拟文件作为模型,您应该能够做您需要的事情。以下是有关 Photoshop 脚本的一些资源:

于 2010-12-27T08:26:08.613 回答