
I have an illustration made by an illustrator. This is a static thermal image with 6 particular points that I would like to animate (according to the temperature obviously).

Static thermal image

For example, I would update a JSON file and according to this file, the image would update itself :

  "sensors": [
      "name": "top",
      "value": 0
      "name": "middle",
      "value": 3
      "name": "bottom",
      "value": 1

It would also need to update the legend beside the image (not showed).

Something like this video, but with a much higher quality result.

I was thinking about doing it in CSS but I don't know how to deal with custom shape to have because the illustration is not square and radial-gradient (like this post) doesn't look beautiful when rendered on the image.

Any other technical solutions I might look into ?


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IMO 你最好的选择是:

  • 使用 SVG,它是二维图形的可缩放矢量图形格式,支持交互性和动画。使用 JavaScript 动态更改您的插画师;您还可以查看用于动画的GSAP或用于数据驱动可视化的D3.js。

  • 使用 HTML5 Canvas,用于通过 JavaScript 动态绘制图形(位图格式)。

在这种特定情况下,CSS 不能胜任 IMO 的工作,因为设计复杂的多点形状并不是它的用例。

于 2017-07-27T08:57:13.073 回答