我已经编写了一些代码,它应该允许我获取数据库中列下的所有数据并将其存储在字符串数组中。我将包含信息的字符串数组转换为双精度数组。将双精度数组中的所有值加在一起以获得一个总值,然后该值将显示在 EditText 中。但是,每当我开始活动时,就会出现一个错误,提示 java.lang.NullPointerException。
DatabaseTotalEntries getAllData = new DatabaseTotalEntries(this); //Creates a new method in the database class
String[] RunningCosts = getAllData.getCost(); //Transfers all the data under the Total Running Costs column into a String Array
String[] RunningTimes = getAllData.getTime();
String[] EnergyUsages = getAllData.getEnergy();
double[] doubleRunningCosts = new double[RunningCosts.length];
for(int i=0; i<RunningCosts.length; i++)
doubleRunningCosts[i] = Double.parseDouble(RunningCosts[i]);
} // Converts the string array 'RunningCosts' into a double array
double TotalCost = 0;
for (int in = 0; in <doubleRunningCosts.length; in++)
TotalCost += doubleRunningCosts[in]; //Adds the values in the double string array together to get one total value
DecimalFormat decf = new DecimalFormat("##");
totalCostBox.setText(decf.format(TotalCost)); //Sets the variable 'TotalCost' to appear in the totalCostBox edit text
LogCat 说事件发生在第 31 行,即
double[] doubleRunningCosts = new double[RunningCosts.length];
这是我在数据库中使用的 getData 方法:
public String[] getCost() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
ArrayList<String> costarraylist = new ArrayList<String>();
String[] applianceCostcolumns = new String[] { KEY_TOTAL_COST };
Cursor costcursor = allDatabase.query(DATABASE_TABLE, applianceCostcolumns, null, null, null, null, null);
String result;
int iApplianceCost = costcursor.getColumnIndex(KEY_TOTAL_COST);
for (costcursor.moveToFirst(); !costcursor.isAfterLast(); costcursor
.moveToNext()) {
result = costcursor.getString(iApplianceCost);
return null;