库进行散列。我想检查插入 100 万个密钥后它消耗了多少内存。
我想要什么:我在此表中输入 n 个唯一条目。在插入键和值之后,我想检查这个 hastable 消耗了多少空间。
问题:输入 1000 条目后的示例。当我尝试使用kh_size(h)
我只得到 387 个条目。但是当我试图通过给出我能够获得的密钥来获得价值时。
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "khash.h"
#include "string.h"
#define kh_get_val(kname, hash, key, defVal) ({k=kh_get(kname, hash, key);(k!=kh_end(hash)?kh_val(hash,k):defVal);})
#define kh_set(kname, hash, key, val) ({int ret; k = kh_put(kname, hash,key,&ret); kh_value(hash,k) = val; ret;})
const int khIntInt = 33;
KHASH_MAP_INIT_INT(khIntInt, long long) // setup khash to handle string key with int payload
int int_key_int_body_example(char *filename) {
printf("\n\nBegin khash test string key with int payload\n");
int ret, is_missing;
khiter_t k;
char *tval;
khash_t(khIntInt) *h = kh_init(khIntInt); // create a hashtable
printf("\n --------------------------------- FILE READ AND WRITE OPERTAION -------------------\n");
FILE *fp;
int * ch;
char line[200];
fp = fopen(filename,"r");
if (!fp) {
perror("could not find the file");
printf("\n ------------------------------------------------- PUTTING ALL KEYS ---------------------\n");
int count = 0;
long long val_line = 0;
while (fgets(line, 200, fp) != NULL ) {
printf(" Trying to Add key = %s and value = %s count =%lu \n",
line, line, count++);
val_line = strtoll(line, NULL, 0);
printf("\n int_key_int_body: Here is the value in integer After Atoi = %ld \n", val_line);
kh_set(khIntInt, h, val_line, val_line);
printf(" ### DEBUG: h->n_buckets=%d,h->size=%d,h->n_occupied=%d,h->upper_bound=%d \n ",
h->n_buckets, h->size, h->n_occupied, h->upper_bound);
fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
printf("\n ------------------------------------------------- GETTING ALL VALUES ---------------------\n");
count = 0;
while (fgets(line, 200, fp) != NULL) {
val_line = strtoll(line, NULL, 0);
printf("\n int_key_int_body: Here is the value in integer After Atoi = %ld \n",val_line);
k = kh_get(khIntInt, h, val_line);
if (k == kh_end(h)) {
printf("no key found for line=%ld", val_line);
} else {
printf("GET value for key = %s and value = %d count =%lu and k_iterator=%d \n",
line, kh_val(h, k), count++, k);
printf("\n ------------------------------------------------- ---------------------\n");
kh_destroy(khIntInt, h);
return 0;
int main( int argc, char *argv[]) {
char *filename;
filename = argv[1];
printf("\n filename=%s", filename);