I am trying to make some dynamic logic for our application, but <bp:Alert> component don't want to cooperate.

This is masterpage ViewModel:

public class AdminMasterPageViewModel : DotvvmViewModelBase
    public virtual AlertComponent AlertComponent { get; set; }
    public DotVVM.BusinessPack.Controls.AlertType AlertType { get; set; }

    public AdminMasterPageViewModel()

    public override Task Init()
        return base.Init();

    private void InitAlertComponents()
        AlertComponent = new AlertComponent
            IsDisplayed = false,
            Text = "Default",
            Type = AlertComponent.Types.Info

        AlertType = DotVVM.BusinessPack.Controls.AlertType.Info;


This is dothtml in MasterView:

    <div class="content-wrapper">

        <bp:Alert Type="{value: AlertType}"
                  IsDisplayed="{value: AlertComponent.IsDisplayed}"
                  Text="{value: AlertComponent.Text}"
                  AutoHideTimeout="3" />

        <dot:ContentPlaceHolder ID="MainContent" />

In "Child" ViewModel I have this event:

 public async void SaveUserRoleGroup()
        UserRoleGroupDetailDTO.AppRoleForUserRoleGroupListDTOs = AppRoleListDTOs.Items.Where(i => i.IsAllowed = true).ToList();

        AlertComponent = await userRoleGroupDetailFacade.CreateUserRoleGroupAsync(UserRoleGroupDetailDTO);


My Class representer for this Component is:

 public class AlertComponent
    public bool IsDisplayed { get; set; }
    public string Text { get; set; }
    public Types Type { get; set; }
    public enum Types
        Success, Info, Warning, Danger

And Finally my facade function:

public async Task<AlertComponent> CreateUserRoleGroupAsync(UserRoleGroupDetailDTO dto)
        using (var uow = unitOfWorkProvider.Create())
                var userRoleGroup = Mapper.Map<UserRoleGroup>(dto);
                userRoleGroup.PortalSetting = portalSettingRepository.GetById(1);


                await uow.CommitAsync();
            catch (Exception e)
                return new AlertComponent
                    Text = "Error",
                    IsDisplayed = true,
                    Type = AlertComponent.Types.Danger
        return new AlertComponent
            Text = "Success",
            IsDisplayed = true,
            Type = AlertComponent.Types.Success

As you can see, I am setting AlertComponent in SaveUserRoleGroup function, but in browser nothing happen. Iam missing changing AlertType, but it doesn't matter,it still has as default "AlertType" Info, which I set in MasterViewModel. So why alert doesn't show and not working?


1 回答 1


您将 Alert 类型绑定到您仅在 viewmodel Init 中设置的 AlertType 属性。因此,当您稍后更改 AlertComponent 时,您并没有设置 AlertType。


public AlertType AlertType => (AlertType)AlertComponent.Type;

我们应该将 DotVVM.BusinessPack 拆分为两个 nuget 包。一种具有核心类型,一种具有 dotvvm 依赖项。

于 2017-07-21T12:01:23.217 回答