I have a custom user control with few elements in it, so it looks like this:
Now if I click the button, like I mentioned in the title, textbox will loose the focus, and its Validating event will fire...But button's click will never fire... I guess this is an usual behaviour...But what is the proper way, to execute button's Click event if validation didn't fail ?
Here is the code I use for validation:
private void txtPassword_Validating(object sender, CancelEventArgs e)
string errorMessage = _uiValidator.ValidatePassword(txtPassword.Text);
errRegistration.SetError(txtPassword, errorMessage);
So errRegistration.SetError() has been executed succesfully - errorMessage is null, means no validation errors, so I guess that is fine (I checked this by putting a breakpoint).
And this is the button's Click event implementation:
private void btnRegisterUser_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//validate other fields here...
if (_uiValidator.IsValid())
MessageBox.Show("...", "Title", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);