I'm learning about bit stuffing in CAN bus messages. We're using Vehicle Spy software to extract the arbitration ids, data values, etc.

q1: Does Vehicle Spy give a tally of stuffed bits in each message? If so how do I see this?

q2: If not, then what's the easiest way to compute the number of stuffed bits in a message from the Vehicle Spy output? Will simply converting each column from hex to bits and then searching for 5-length strings of 1s/0s work work? Is there a better way?


1 回答 1


Vehicle Spy 给我发了电子邮件,说他们目前不支持这个(看不到填充位计数)。

我可以尝试的一种选择是计算每条消息的位数。所有 CAN 消息都是固定长度的,除了 (a) 数据有效负载,其长度记录在消息的 DLC 部分,和 (b) IF(结束位)未填充,但在错误激活时为 3 位模式,11 为被动错误。

假设您可以看到 DLC 的总比特长度,并且知道模式,您可以看到填充了多少。

于 2017-07-19T16:21:24.780 回答