我有一个使用Datatables的数据表。我已经创建并填写了表格,如下所示。现在我需要实现一个组合框(假设我有 2010、2011、2012)以允许用户选择一年。然后当用户单击放置在表格中的查看或修改链接时,选定的年份将作为参数传递到另一个页面。


        rulesTableGlobal = $('#rulesTable').dataTable( {
            //"bJQueryUI": true,
            "sPaginationType": "full_numbers",
            "aoColumns": [
                 { "sTitle": "Id", "sWidth" : "20px" },
                 { "sTitle": "Property ID" , "sWidth"  : "20px"},
                 { "sTitle": "Adress" , "sWidth"  : "130px"},
                 { "sTitle": "Suburb" , "sWidth"  : "50px"},
                 { "sTitle": "Bond", "sWidth"  : "25px" },
                 { "sTitle": "Year", "sWidth"  : "25px" , "aType": "dom-select"},
                 { "sTitle": "View or Modify" , "sWidth"  : "50px"}]


    function addPropertyToTable( lt_id, lt_uid, address, suburb_name, min_guests, max_guests,
                                 bondFee,cleaningFee,bookingServiceFee, weekly_rate,nightly_rate){

        var _lt_id = "\'" + lt_id + "\'";
        var viewLink    = '<A href="#" onclick="forwardDetails('+_lt_id+');">View and Modify</A>';          
        var year= "";

        $('#rulesTable').dataTable().fnAddData( [
                                 lt_id, lt_uid, address, suburb_name, bondFee,cleaningFee,bookingServiceFee,  weekly_rate,nightly_rate, min_guests, max_guests, year, viewLink ] );




3 回答 3


这是我为遇到同样问题的你们使用的解决方案。创建组合框并添加到第 12..Regards.. Ozlem 列。

        function init(){


            var ind = 0;
            var year    = 2010;
            //var options = getYears(year, 3);
            $.each($('#rulesTable td:nth-child(12)'), function () {

                //creates a combobox
                var select  = document.createElement('select');
                select.innerHTML = '<option value=2010>2010</option><option value=2011>2011</option><option value=2012>2012</option>'; 

                /*for (var i= 0 ; i<options.length; i++){
                    var nextOption = options[i];                        
                $('#comboYear'+ind).change(function () {

                    var comboId = $(this).attr('id');
                    var comboIndex = $(this).attr('name');
                    var yearSelected = $('#'+comboId+' option:selected').text();
                    var propertyId = rulesTableGlobal.fnGetData()[comboIndex][0];
                    upDateRow(propertyId, yearSelected, comboIndex );


                year = year+1;


于 2010-12-29T03:52:40.473 回答

Define your combo box in your HTML like this:

<select id="year">
    <option value="2010">2010</option>
    <option value="2011">2011</option>
    <option value="2012">2012</option>

Whenever you need the actual selected value of the combobox, you can call


It's good practice not to repeat jQuery DOM lookups, so you might want to do it like this:

// Define this on document ready
var selectYear = $("#year");

// Use this syntax to get the current value

I cannot see from your example code where you would use this (perhaps in the line var year = "";, if so change that to var year = selectYear.val();), but I hope this gets you on your way. If not, feel free to ask for more information in the comments.

EDIT: as requested a sample to show the year select in a normal table.

        <td>a cell</td>
            <select id="year">
                <option value="2010">2010</option>
                <option value="2011">2011</option>
                <option value="2012">2012</option>
于 2010-12-23T05:45:24.487 回答

使用 fnRender-

$('#example').dataTable( {
    aoColumns : [ {
        fnRender : function(oObj) {
            return '<select id="year">' + '<option value="2010">2010</option>' + '<option value="2011">2011</option>' + '<option value="2012">2012</option>' + '</select> ';
    } ]
于 2011-12-07T06:46:42.630 回答