
使用笛卡尔拓扑,域分解如下图所示。在这种情况下,使用 4*2=8 个处理器。单个数字表示处理器的等级,(x,y) 表示其拓扑坐标。 图 1. 基本拓扑

假设网格在等级为 2、3、4、5(中间)的区域中进行了细化,在这种情况下,局部细化率定义为 R=D_coarse/D_fine=2。由于网格是细化的,所以时间推进也应该细化。这需要在细化区域中计算时间步长 t、t+1/2*dt、t+dt,而在全局区域中仅计算时间步长 t 和 t+dt。这需要一个较小的通信器,它只包括中间的秩以进行额外的计算。全局等级+坐标和对应的局部坐标(红色)草图如下所示:


但是,我在执行此方案时遇到了一些错误,并且显示了 Fortran 中的代码段(不完整):

integer :: global_comm, local_comm   ! global and local communicators
integer :: global_rank, local_rank   !
integer :: global_grp,  local_grp    ! global and local groups
integer :: ranks(4)                  ! ranks in the refined region
integer :: dim                       ! dimension
integer :: left(-2:2), right(-2:2)   ! ranks of neighbouring processors in 2 directions

!---- Make global communicator and their topological relationship
call mpi_init(ierr)
call mpi_cart_create(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 2, [4,2], [.false., .false.], .true., global_comm, ierr)
call mpi_comm_rank(global_comm, global_rank, ierr)
do dim=1, 2
    call mpi_cart_shift(global_comm, dim-1, 1, left(-dim), right(dim), ierr)
end do

!---- make local communicator and its topological relationship
! Here I use group and create communicator

! create global group
call mpi_comm_group(MPI_COMM_WORLD, global_grp, ierr)

! extract 4 ranks from global group to make a local group
call mpi_group_incl(global_grp, 4, ranks, local_grp, ierr)

! make new communicator based on local group
call mpi_comm_create(MPI_COMM_WORLD, local_grp, local_comm, ierr)

! make topology for local communicator
call mpi_cart_create(global_comm, 2, [2,2], [.false., .false.], .true., local_comm, ierr)

! **** get rank for local communicator
call mpi_comm_rank(local_comm, local_rank, ierr)

! Do the same thing to make topological relationship as before in local communicator.

当我运行程序时,问题来自“**** 获得本地通信器的排名”步骤。我的想法是构建两个通信器:全局和本地通信器,本地通信器嵌入到全局通信器中。然后分别在全局和局部通信器中创建它们对应的拓扑关系。如果我的概念错误或某些语法错误,我不会。如果您能给我一些建议,非常感谢。


*** An error occurred in MPI_Comm_rank
 *** reported by process [817692673,4]
 *** on communicator MPI_COMM_WORLD
 *** MPI_ERR_COMM: invalid communicator
 *** MPI_ERRORS_ARE_FATAL (processes in this communicator will now abort,
 ***    and potentially your MPI job)

1 回答 1


您正在从包含八个等级的全局通信器组创建一个 2x2 笛卡尔拓扑。因此,在其中的四个中,local_commas 返回的值MPI_Cart_create将是MPI_COMM_NULL。调用MPI_Comm_ranknull 通信器会导致错误。


if (local_comm /= MPI_COMM_NULL) then
  ! make topology for local communicator
  call mpi_cart_create(local_comm, 2, [2,2], [.false., .false.], .true., &
                     local_cart_comm, ierr)

  ! **** get rank for local communicator
  call mpi_comm_rank(local_cart_comm, local_rank, ierr)

end if
于 2017-07-13T07:43:36.703 回答