I need to make an application that communicates through an RFCOMM socket
to a Raspberry Pi, without pairing.
On the Android side, I have the MAC address of the RPi and I'm trying to connect to the server using this code:
BluetoothDevice device = mBluetoothAdapter.getRemoteDevice(address);
BluetoothSocket mmSocket = null;
try {
mmSocket = device.createRfcommSocketToServiceRecord(UUID);
Log.d(TAG, "mmSocket returned");
UUID is the same as on the server-side, and i've also tried using the createInsecureRfcommSocket method.
On the Raspberry Pi side, I used the pybluez example of an rfcomm server(here is the example)
It once worked but I don't understand why it did or why it doesn't anymore, in the sense that when I tried to initiate the connection from the phone I got a pairing request on the Raspberry Pi without a pairing request on the phone, and the socket object on android had successfully connected.
Does anyone know what I am doing wrong, or any ideas that might help me, and is such a thing even feasible. Thanks in advance.