I've been searching for an answer but cant get my head around this. I use C# alot but never actually dealt with graphics. I want to load a TGA image (32 bit) and then manipulate the color data ( including alpha channel ). How would a dumb dumb begin to approach this problem.

The basic manipulation I want to do is to change the coloring: The input is a mask image with 4 fixed colors (black, red, green, blue and alpha channel). I want to pull each channel and create a new image with certain colors instead of the original ones.

For example. Say I have a mask image with Black and Green and Alpha data. I want to make a new image with color1 where its black ( no channel is used ), color2 where its Green ( Only full green is used ) and color3 where its Alpha ( Only where alpha is used )

The input images don't have overlapping channels or alpha (A pixel has only one type of data, red, green, blue or alpha)

thanks in advance.


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