我将在4 × 6(代码中的 m×n)矩阵的每个单元格上使用以下公式来获得归一化矩阵:
我在 LibreOffice 中使用以下基本代码:
REM ***** BASIC *****
Sub Main
End Sub
Sub Normalize (ByVal n As Integer,ByVal m As Integer)
Dim Doc As Object
Dim Sheet As Object
Dim SrcCell 'Cell in the source matrix
Dim TargetCell 'Cell in the target matrix where normalized values are saved
Dim TempCell As Object
Dim I 'index
Dim J 'index
Dim JJ 'inner index
Dim Sum 'Sigma x_ij^2 (j=0 to m)
Dim m 'maximum row index
Dim n 'maximum column index
Doc = ThisComponent
Sheet = Doc.Sheets(0)
For I = 0 to n 'traverse columns
For J=0 to m 'traverse rows
SrcCell = Sheet.getCellByPosition(I,J)
'Now apply the normalization formula for this cell
'Run a new loop to run formula on this cell
Sum = 0 'Reset Sum to 0
For JJ=0 to m
TempCell = Sheet.getCellByPosition(I,JJ)
Sum = Sum + (TempCell.Value^2)
TargetCell = Sheet.getCellByPosition(I+n+1,J) 'Place the normalized cells in a new matrix cell, n+1 cells away
'Put the sum in the formula
TargetCell.Value = SrcCell.Value/Sqr(Sum)
End Sub