我一直在开发基于 CMSIS-RTOS 的软件,但函数 osMessageGet 有问题。我的软件由四个 RTOS 任务组成,其中两个通过 osMessageQueue 和 osPool 交换数据。一个任务 (Task_100ms) 是生产者,第二个任务 (Task_200ms) 是消费者。

Task_100ms 从 CAN 总线接收数据并创建包含接收数据的结构。生产者使用函数 osPoolAlloc 在池 (flash_pool) 上分配内存,并接收指向已分配内存的指针。Producer 使用这个指针将交换结构的内容复制到池中的内存块中,并使用函数 osMessagePut 将该指针的副本放入队列(flash_queue)中(请参见下面的put_program_chunk函数代码)。

Task_200ms 尝试使用 osMessageGet 函数从 flash_queue 检索指针(请参阅下面的program_chunk函数代码)。只要队列是空的,消费者就会等待并且一切正常。然后 Task_100ms 将第一个指针放在 flash_queue 上。Task_200ms 调用 osMessageGet 函数,这会导致 uC 重置,以防 osMessageGet 的超时设置为 osWaitForever。如果 osMessageGet 的超时设置为 0,则不会调用软件重置。但是在这两种情况下(超时等于 0 或 osWaitForever),当我单步执行 Eclipse 中的代码时,我无法在 osMessageGet 函数调用之后立即实现以下语句。


    BOOL put_program_chunk(main_controller_req_t req){

    main_controller_req_t *p_req;

    BOOL retval;
    BOOL no_memory = FALSE;

    osStatus status;
    uint8_t tmp;

    // allocate memory in pool
    p_req = (main_controller_req_t *)osPoolAlloc(flash_pool);

    if(p_blk == NULL){
        printf("No more space in flash pool.\r\n");

    if(p_req != NULL){
        *p_req = req;

        // insert the prepared request into the transmission queue
        // put the message into the queue
        // wait 5 ms?
        status = osMessagePut(flash_queue, (uint32_t)(p_req), 5);
            if(status == osOK){
                tmp = 1;
                tmp = 0;
        no_memory = TRUE;

        retval = FALSE;
        retval = TRUE;

    return retval;


void program_chunk(void){

    osEvent event;
    osStatus status;
    main_controller_req_t *p_req;
    main_controller_req_t req;
    pdt_result_t result;

    // !!!
    uint8_t tmp;

    // retrieve the data block from the message queue
    event = osMessageGet(flash_queue, 0);

    // !!!

    if(event.status == osEventMessage){
            p_req = ((main_controller_req_t *)(event.value.p));

            // copy the content of memory block in receiving pool
            req = *p_req;

            // free the memory in pool
            status = osPoolFree(flash_pool, p_req);

            // Normal (=000000) or Boot (=BOOTBL) mode?
            if(*req.mode == 0 && *(req.mode + 1) == 0 && *(req.mode + 2) == 0 &&
              *(req.mode + 3) == 0 && *(req.mode + 4) == 0 && *(req.mode + 5) == 0){

            // Normal mode

            // program chunk for the Slot_0 or Slot_1?
            if(((req.flash_page_number >= 0x01) && (req.flash_page_number < MAX_AC_PAGE)) ||
               ((req.flash_page_number == MAX_AC_PAGE) && (req.flash_block_number <= MAX_AC_BLOCK))){

#ifdef APP_DEBUG
                                        printf("AC programming!\r\n");
                    // yes - program the retrieved program chunk
                    result = pdt_app_program_chunk(req.data_block, 32);

                    // according to the result send the short flash write response message - page and block OK
                    send_short_flash_load_write_resp((result == PDT_RESULT_OK) ? TRUE : FALSE, FALSE, req.flash_page_number, req.flash_block_number);

                    // if unsuccessful programming
                    if(result != PDT_RESULT_OK){
                        // go into WAIT_TO_FLASH_LOAD_COMPLETE

            // program chunk for Motor Controller?
            }else if(((req.flash_page_number == MAX_AC_PAGE) && (req.flash_block_number > MAX_AC_BLOCK && req.flash_block_number <= MAX_MC_BLOCK)) ||
                    ((req.flash_page_number > MAX_AC_PAGE) && (req.flash_page_number <= MAX_MC_PAGE))){

#ifdef APP_DEBUG
                                        printf("MC programming!\r\n");

                    // yes - program the retrieved program chunk
                    result = pdt_mc_update_internal_motor_controller_chunk(req.data_block, 32);

                    // according to the result send the short flash write response message - page and block OK
                    send_short_flash_load_write_resp((result == PDT_RESULT_OK) ? TRUE : FALSE, FALSE, req.flash_page_number, req.flash_block_number);

                    // end of the binary?
                    if((req.flash_page_number == NO_PAGES) && (req.flash_block_number == BLOCKS_IN_PAGE) && result == PDT_RESULT_OK){

                        result = pdt_mc_update_motor_controller();
                        // invoke SW reset
                        result = pdt_app_switch_application();

                    // if unsuccessful programming
                    }else if(result != PDT_RESULT_OK){
                        // go into WAIT_TO_FLASH_LOAD_COMPLETE

            // wrong destination address?

#ifdef APP_DEBUG
                                        printf("Wrong destination address!\r\n");

                    // wrong data block destination
                    send_short_flash_load_write_resp(FALSE, TRUE, req.flash_page_number, req.flash_block_number);

                    // go into WAIT_TO_FLASH_LOAD_COMPLETE


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