I am building a shiny app in which I have a leafletOutput in my UI named Florida_leaflet.
In my server, I have
my_leaflet <- reactive({
if (input$speciesSelect == "ACR CERV" & input$yearSelect == "2016")
my_leaflet <- sites%>%removeLayersControl()%>% addLayersControl(
baseGroups = c("satellite"),
position = "topleft",
overlayGroups = c("Florida survey sites", "FKNMS Boundary"),
options = layersControlOptions(collapsed = FALSE)) %>%
addCircleMarkers(data = subset(SEFCRI2014_demo_data, CORAL_CD == "ACR CERV"), group = "Florida survey sites", lat = ~LAT_DEGREES,
lng = ~LON_DEGREES, radius = ~6, color = "#F0E442", stroke = FALSE, fillOpacity = 1)
else {
my_leaflet <- sites%>%removeLayersControl()%>% addLayersControl(
baseGroups = c("satellite"),
position = "topleft",
overlayGroups = c("Florida survey sites", "FKNMS Boundary"),
options = layersControlOptions(collapsed = FALSE))
output$Florida_leaflet <- renderLeaflet(my_leaflet())
where sites is a leaflet object.
Now, when I renderLeaflet(sites), the app works fine, but running the code as above, I get the error:
Error in c: unused argument ("satellite")Stack trace (innermost first):
105: evalAll
104: evalFormula
103: invokeMethod
102: addLayersControl
101: function_list[[k]]
100: withVisible
99: freduce
98: _fseq
97: eval
96: eval
95: withVisible
94: %>%
93: <reactive:my_leaflet> [#35]
82: my_leaflet
81: func
80: origRenderFunc
79: output$Florida_leaflet
4: <Anonymous>
3: do.call
2: print.shiny.appobj
1: <Promise>
Any ideas why this might be happening? Thanks in advance