I am having a hard time getting a list item into room. the list item is called measurements and its of type Measurement. the list item has no primarykey that would be related to the database. but i have no problem adding the same primary key for the ProductModel if necessary.
Here is what i have so far:
@Entity(tableName = TABLE_NAME)
public class ProductModel {
public static final String TABLE_NAME = "product";
private int idProduct;
private int idCategoryDefault;
@Relation(parentColumn = "idProduct", entityColumn = "idProduct", entity = SortedAttribute.class)
private List<SortedAttribute> sortedAttributes = null;
public class SortedAttribute {
private int idProduct;
private String reference;
private List<Measurement> measurements = null; //****how do i get this into room ? its a LIST of measurements, not a measurement so calling Embedded i think wont work as it cant flatten it****/
public class Measurement {
private String value;
private String valueCm;
public Measurement() {