public class Neuron {
// properties
private ArrayList<Neuron> input;
private ArrayList<Float> weight;
private float pot, bias, sense, out;
private boolean checked;
// methods
public float fire(){
pot = 0f;
if (input != null) {
for (Neuron n : input){
if (!n.getChecked()){
pot += n.fire()*weight.get(input.indexOf(n));
} else {
pot += n.getOut()*weight.get(input.indexOf(n));
} // end of condition (checked)
} // end of loop (for input)
} // end of condition (input exists)
checked = true;
pot -= bias;
pot += sense;
out = actFunc(pot);
return out;
} // end of fire()
// getting properties
public float getPot(){return pot;}
public boolean getChecked(){return checked;}
public float getOut(){return out;}
// setting properties
public void stimulate(float f){sense = f;}
public void setBias(float b){bias = b;}
public void setChecked(boolean c){checked = c;}
public void setOut(float o){out = o;}
// connection
public void connect(Neuron n, float w){
public void deconnect(Neuron n){
// activation function
private float actFunc(float x){
if (x < 0) {
return 0f;
} else {
return 1f;
// constructor
public Neuron(Neuron[] ns, float[] ws, float b, float o){
if (ns != null){
input = new ArrayList<Neuron>();
weight = new ArrayList<Float>();
for (Neuron n : ns) input.add(n);
for (int i = 0; i < ws.length; i++) weight.add(ws[i]);
} else {
input = null;
weight = null;
bias = b;
out = o;
public Neuron(Neuron[] ns){
if (ns != null){
input = new ArrayList<Neuron>();
weight = new ArrayList<Float>();
for (Neuron n : ns) input.add(n);
for (int i = 0; i < input.size(); i++) weight.add((float)Math.random()*2f-1f);
} else {
input = null;
weight = null;
bias = (float)Math.random();
out = (float)Math.random();